
  • Bucharest

    Call for papers - History

    Between the Imperial Eye and the Local Gaze

    Cartographies of Southeast Europe

    The Association international d’études du sud-est européen is happy to invite you to the 12th Congress of South-East European Studies, taking place in Bucharest, from the 2nd to the 7th of September 2019. One of the conference panels, organized by Robert Born (Leipzig) and Marian Coman (Bucharest), is dedicated to the cartographic history of south-eastern Europe. Proposals for individual papers are welcome on various aspects of the history of south-eastern Europe cartography, from the Ottoman period to the post-communist era. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Renaissance and Early Modern maps of the Ottoman Empire, Enlightenment cartographies of Eastern Europe, the birth of national cartography, war and peace cartographies, historical and propaganda maps, national and local surveys, Cold War cartographies.

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  • Call for papers - America

    Power and media, media power Insights on the Americas

    Insights on the Americas

    For its 11th issue, RITA proposes to interrogate the links between power and media in the Americas. Several areas of debate can be suggested, although they should not be considered as exclusive. Articles making a critical analysis of official media as well as opposition media, in varied historical and geographical contexts, will of course be welcome. Other articles may deal with the treatment of popular movements by the media. Critical reflections on the relationship between media and economic power are also encouraged. The Thema section can also include analysis of the current diversification of information media by focusing, for instance, on the emergence of “alternative” media on the Internet, or on the power of fake news over the construction of collective representations.

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  • Guangzhou

    Colloquium - Urban studies

    Urban China and the challenges of sustainability

    Medium conference

    This is the second international event organised in the context of the Medium project. While research conducted in the context of the project focus primarily on the medium-sized cities Hangzhou, Zhuhai and Datong, the conference will consider urban China in its diversity, with a great variety of case studies including Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, the region of the Taihu lake etc. It will address the issue of sustainability from a broad perspective, tackling ageing housing, social inclusion, urban governance, environmental sustainability, participatory processes in urban planning, with a multi-disciplinary approach ranging from geography, political science, economy, sociology, computer science, environmental science, etc.

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  • Natal

    Call for papers - America

    2nd conference in political geography, geopolitics and territorial management

    II congrès de géographie politique, géopolitique et gestion territoriale

    A ciência geográfica todos os anos é colocada à prova em diferentes encontros, congressos e seminários no Brasil e no exterior. Entre os dias 5 e 8 de outubro de 2016, ocorrerá, em Natal-RN, no campus da UFRN, o II Congresso Brasileiro de Geografia Política, Geopolítica e Gestão do Território (II CONGEO) com a temática central intitulada: A integração Sul-Americana e a inserção das regiões periféricas.

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  • Uccle | Paris

    Colloquium - Thought

    Second International Conference on Uyghur Studies

    2e colloque international sur les études Ouïghoures

    The Uyghurs are one of the ten most populous stateless nations in the world. While they have a long history of cultural accomplishments and political influences, they have remained marginal in international scholarship given their ambiguous position both in regional studies and in geopolitics. This conference is the second attempt to bring together a broad spectrum of the international community of scholars whose research is focused on the Uyghur people’s history, culture, society.

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  • Paris

    Colloquium - History

    South-South Axes of Global Art

    The decentered internationalism espoused by the Havana, Dakar, and Gwangju biennials invites art historians to depart from an exclusively North Atlantic focus. Such a shift in purview seriously considers cities and regions that have been marginalized by previous academic emphases, more so than by their historical circulations of art and culture with the rest of the world. Historicizing and measuring the circulation of art on the former margins is now a decisive task if we want to evidence, nuance, or contest the “provincialization” of Europe and North America in recent art history. Artl@s’ upcoming conference aims to gather an international and transdisciplinary group of researchers to collectively investigate the formation and impediments of what we call “South-South” axes from decolonization to the present day.

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  • Brussels

    Call for papers - Geography

    Combining scientific Expertise with Participation: the Challenge of the European Landscape Convention

    The adoption of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) in 2000 represents a major event in taking landscape into account at the European level. As of June 2013, 38 Council of Europe member states have ratified the Convention. By specifying that landscape is an essential component of the quality of life of Europeans, the Convention is, first and foremost, in line with a territorial dimension. Moreover, a strong foundation of the ELC lies in its specific definition of landscape, notably based on the notion of perception by populations. One of the scientists’ major concerns is therefore how to reconcile objective scientific approaches with the subjective aspect of citizens’ perception. After more than a decade of practice, the Conference will be an opportunity for scientists who have been working in line with the ELC to present the tools developed and to reflect on their tangible, measurable and observable effects.

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  • Call for papers - Geography

    Ethnic or national minorities. Between renewal and permanence

    Belgéo Review

    The coordinaters of this issue of he Belgéo review plan to reflect about the "ethnic or national minorities", two polysemous concepts here perceived in a way opened to interpretation even if they are inscribed in P. Poutignat and J. Streiff-Fénart’s definition, when they state that these groups “only exist thanks to the subjective belief their members share that they constitute a community.” The minority group is dialectically linked to the existence of a majority. It can be said “ethnic” because of racial parameters but above all because of the presence of linguistic, religious, cultural or other discriminating and specific markers. The will to be different expresses itself in various ways – instutional or not – and leads to very diverse situations, located between resistance and cooperation, forced integration and autonomy. The way to name places, individuals, but also their status – granted or claimed for – their visibility in the social and political space, are elements characterizing the notion of “otherness”.

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  • Tarragona

    Call for papers - Urban studies

    Ensembles résidentiels fermés

    Vingt-cinquième conférence du réseau European Network for Housing Research

    Cities all over the world are witnessing the spread of residential developments of private neighborhoods in a variety of forms: Gated Communities, common interest developments, private subdivisions, lifestyle communities, etc. These types of neighborhoods had once been the home of the rich and wealthy, but have recently encountered a large base of customers from within the general public.

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  • Lisbon

    Colloquium - Sociology

    Action publique et problèmes sociaux dans les villes intermédiaires

    A Ação Pública resulta da interseção e, cada vez mais, da interdependência entre as ações que decorrem das responsabilidades respetivas das Políticas Públicas, através dos diferentes elos que a concretizam e da Sociedade Civil, através das iniciativas que a consubstanciam, entre movimentos sociais e iniciativas locais e as organizações e dispositivos que lhes dão consistência. A Ação Pública manifesta-se na construção e gestão dos problemas públicos ou sociais. O próprio processo de construção e os modos de gestão dos problemas sociais são analisadores potentes das relações de poder que existem entre os atores e das dinâmicas sociais no interior dos coletivos analisados. 

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  • Saint-Denis

    Colloquium - Language

    Translation(s), Migration(s), Identities

    Dans un monde soumis à la dynamique de la globalisation et marqué par des mouvements migratoires massifs, les figures et oppositions figées du centre et de la périphérie, de l’identité et de l’altérité, du soi et de l’autre se dissolvent tandis que l’expérience du déracinement, de l’exil, du passage produit une superposition de plusieurs cultures qui s’hybrident dans un territoire radicalement nouveau par rapport aux migrations d’antan. La situation du sujet moderne, décrite par Salman Rushdie dans Imaginary Homelands comme celle de l’homme traduit (the translated man), tend à se généraliser. Homi Bhabha a élaboré une théorie de la culture qui est proche d’une théorie du langage, recourant à la notion de traduction comme motif ou trope. Il s’agira, dans un premier temps, d’approfondir la réflexion sur la « traduction culturelle » et d’envisager dans quelle mesure ce motif peut (et doit) être lié à une réflexion renouvelée sur le rôle et les modalités de la traduction au sens propre.

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