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    First Signs - Hand Print

    Paul Kennedy takes a trip back in time to the Ice Age with renowned Canadian archaeologist Genevieve von Petzinger. That's where they discuss the possible meaning behind the strange geometric shapes that appear along with cave art from the Paleolithic Period, and her struggle to crack the code on the first form of graphic communication. More Feb 28, 4:49 PM ET



  • Checkup After 7 student deaths, Indigenous educator looks to on-reserve schooling

    Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School

    For Indigenous students living on reserves near Thunder Bay and Sioux Lookout, there is no choice but to leave their homes if they want to complete their high school diplomas. After a coroner's inquest into the deaths of seven students who did just that, questions are being raised about the safety of boarding schools. More Feb 28, 2:55 PM ET


  • The Doc Project 'I was a gymnast, and then I wasn't': saying goodbye to your dream at 16

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    A lot of us define ourselves by our jobs. Which is why people often struggle when the time comes to retire. The girl at the heart of this documentary was forced to retire from a promising gymnastics career — she was competing at a national level and was Olympics-bound — because of injury. More Feb 28, 2:25 PM ET

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