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'Troy Buswell would be Premier now': How Colin Barnett lost his prodigies

Colin Barnett has conceded colourful, but flawed, former Treasurer Troy Buswell could be Premier today if he hadn't gone off the rails.

Mr Buswell quit politics in September 2014 citing an ongoing battle with mental illness as the main reason.

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Premier: I would have handed over

Colin Barnett says he would have handed over the role of Premier under different circumstances.

The one-time Liberal leader's political career lurched from one crisis to another culminated in him crashing his ministerial car in the early hours of the morning on February 23, 2014 in Subiaco, after leaving a wedding.

The Premier also lamented the loss of former MP Christian Porter who quit state politics in June 2012 to pursue a career in federal politics.

When Mr Porter resigned he held two of the highest portfolios - Treasurer and Attorney-General – and was considered a sure future Premier. 

"We lost Troy and Christian Porter," he told WAtoday in a stroll around the city.


"If Troy didn't get in so much trouble and Christian was still here, I would have handed it over and I think that left a bit of a gap.

"But what I see as my responsibility is to develop people that can take over the leadership of the party. I'm not anointing anyone. I can see two or three people who have that capacity.

"I want to develop them... some need international experience and that's probably one of my strengths."

When Mr Buswell walked away from politics, the Premier said the state's opposition's continual attacks on his friend and former treasurer during his ongoing illness was the "low point during his time in politics". 

"I can understand why an opposition would attack a minister over the use of a government vehicle, but I think once it was public Troy had mental health issues - that he was clearly unwell - for the Opposition to continually abuse and ridicule him in Parliament was unfair to Troy," the Premier said at the time.

"And insensitive to the issues of mental health and one of the low points in my time in politics."

Ironically, the former Vasse MP stepped down from Liberal leader in August 2008, only weeks out from the election and was replaced by Mr Barnett, months after announcing he would be quitting politics.

Days after Mr Buswell stood down, the-then Premier Alan Carpenter called the earliest Western Australian election in more than 100 years.

It backfired and Labor suffered a four per cent swing away from the government and fell two seats short of a majority government.

The Liberal party managed to form government after the Nationals announced they would side with their traditional rivals after a week of agonising negotiations between the two major parties.

More than eight years later, Mr Barnett is still Premier and is looking at a rare three-peat if the Liberals can get over the line on March 11.

"It's just the personal challenge," he said about why he is going around again.

"In a way I'm an outsider of the Liberal party. I didn't grow up in the Liberal party as so many people did. So for me it is the challenge.

"I don't like to use the word underdog but I think Labor is in front.

"I think it's going to be close".