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ASIC says whistleblowers need compo

Lifetime compensation would be offered to whistleblowers who risk their careers to expose company misconduct under a radical overhaul floated by the corporate watchdog.

Greg Medcraft, the chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, has backed offering money to whistleblowers in recognition of the risks they took and the damage that could be done to their career prospects.

"The biggest problem for a lot of whistleblowers who see poor things happening is that they go home to their spouse and say, 'I'm not happy about what I am seeing; I'm not happy about it,' and the spouse says to them, 'Well, we've got a mortgage. We've got children. You can't do anything about it.'," Mr Medcraft told a recent parliamentary hearing.

"We need to take that off the table and say, 'You actually won't be acted detrimentally against as a result of whistleblowing. In fact, you will get compensation.'

"I do think we need to think about changing the equation a little more, frankly. Often the best whistleblowers are those people already working within a company."


He said it was not just a matter of having the right internal controls, "but equally it is about having a situation where whistleblowers are … actually properly supported and compensated, potentially, for their lifetime earnings."

Fairfax Media can also reveal the Senate economics committee is weeks away from releasing a discussion paper outlining how to improve whistleblower protection laws.

"Our protections for public service whistleblowers are among the best in the Western world, but protections for corporate whistleblowers are among the worst. The appalling treatment of whistleblowers is an issue that has repeatedly weighed on the committee," committee chairman Sam Dastyari told Fairfax Media.

"I welcome any suggestions for improving the provisions of the Corporations Act that apply to whistleblowers."

In the United States, a bounty-style reward system operates, allowing whistleblowers to earn up to 30 per cent of the money collected from penalties or legal action. That reward system resulted in whistleblowers receiving $US435 million in 2014, with one whistleblower earning a record $US30 million.

While conceding that the US model was proving successful, particularly in the pharmaceutical and financial sectors, Mr Medcraft said he did not think that approach was consistent with Australian culture but he did call on companies to consider rewarding whistleblowers who report wrongdoings to the organisation.

"If somebody is doing the wrong thing, that affects your brand, then, frankly, you should be rewarding the whistleblower," Mr Medcraft said.

In Australia there are limited protections for corporate whistleblowers. Indeed, current legislation does not provide additional protections for documents that contain whistleblower information, including information that might reveal a whistleblower's identity. ASIC has limited powers to protect whistleblowers.

Jeff Morris, the man who blew the whistle on systemic misconduct inside CBA's financial planning division, which resulted in more than $50 million awarded in compensation to victims, said he was essentially left to negotiate his own exit from the CBA when he raised concerns with ASIC about death threats he believed had been made.

"I was told by my ASIC contact in a rather offhand manner, 'It's probably bullshit, but if you're worried, go to the police'." Mr Morris left his job.

Fairfax Media has dealt with other whistleblowers, whose information has been in the public interest. The personal cost can be astronomical.

A whistleblower at financial services giant IOOF took a series of allegations to the company late last year that resulted in his sacking and a smear campaign.

"It's been an extremely stressful and a painful process for myself, my partner and family. Financially, I've lost about one year's salary and potentially any income from a future career in finance," he told Fairfax Media.

"The smear campaign conducted by the company afterwards was more hurtful to my psyche and my reputation. I never intended to be a whistleblower but felt it was my obligation to speak out, certainly one could argue it's enshrined in the Corporations Act that I couldn't sit idle or turn a blind eye."