Australian Christian Lobby van explosion was not ideological, police believe

Posted March 01, 2017 06:27:38

Federal police believe a man who blew up a van out the front of the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) building in Canberra last year was most likely trying to take his own life.

The 35-year-old man was seriously burnt when he ignited gas cylinders in his van beside the building's main entrance.

The explosion prompted concerns the controversial organisation had been targeted.

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Australian Federal Police Commissioner Andrew Colvin told a Senate Estimates committee on Tuesday that police still did not think it was an ideological attack.

"We don't believe his primary motivation was to make any particular message or send any signal about the ACL," he said.

"We do believe he knew that it was the ACL [building] but he was not driven by a motivation or an ideology based on anything the Christian Lobby had done or said.

"We believe mental illness played a considerable factor here and his primary motive was to commit suicide."

After the explosion, the injured man managed to make his own way to hospital where he remains in a serious condition and unable to be formally interviewed.

Commissioner Colvin told Senate Estimates that while that fact might seem unusual, he said it was not uncommon for burns victims to keep functioning "for some time" after the incident.

"On this occasion he was able to present himself to hospital, at which point he was able to be spoken to by the ... responding police for an initial interview," he said.

"Since that time [on medical advice] he's been unable to participate in an interview.

"Until we can finish the investigation and speak to him again we won't form any definitive answers."

Topics: suicide, christianity, community-and-society, religion-and-beliefs, disasters-and-accidents, deakin-2600, canberra-2600, act, australia