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File:Syrian Civil War map.svg

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Original file(SVG file, nominally 983 × 813 pixels, file size: 6.74 MB)


English: Map of the Syrian Civil War.

Information to readers: Click on the image to make marks and icons visible, which are otherwise too small.

To zoom into the image after you opened it, click ctrl and scroll in/out with your mouse.

To view the image in full quality, open it in Media Viewer, download the original file and open it with Inkscape (free drawing program).

If you want to see the history of the Syrian Civil War before August 2016, look at Syrian civil war.png.

Information to editors: This file is completely based on the Template:Syrian Civil War detailed map. If you want to change something here, you first need to make a properly sourced edit at the Templates' Module. The program you need to the map (and any other Scalable Vector Graphics-file (SVG)) is called Inkscape, which is a free accessible program. To be able to add marks and icons at the correct place, I recommend you to make a screenshot (alt gr + print). This screenshot you insert temporarily at the file, put it in the right size under the marks and then look at the streets and the borders, if it's at the right place. If you did this, you only need to look, where the Template shows a mark which isn't already at the map. Good luck and thanks for helping to improve the map!

Map legend


Bahasa Indonesia:
   Dikuasai oleh Angkatan Bersenjata Suriah
   Dikuasai oleh Angkatan Kurdi
   Dikuasai oleh Negara Islam Irak dan Syam
   Wilayah dipertentangkan
   Dikuasai oleh Angkatan Oposisi
   Pod kontrolom Vladinih snaga
   Pod kontrolom Kurda
   Pod kontrolom ISIL-a
   Linija između suprotstavljenih snaga
   Pod kontrolom Opozicije i pobunjenika
   Controlat pel govern
   Controlat pels kurds
   Controlat per l'Estat Islàmic
   Controlat per forces rebels
   Controlat per Front Al-Nusra
   Zones disputades
   Pod kontrolou syrské vlády
   Pod kontrolou syrské opozice
   Pod kontrolou syrských Kurdů
   Pod kontrolou Islámského státu
   Pod kontrolou Fronty an-Nusrá
   Sporná hranice mezi válčícími stranami
   Kontrolleret af pro-Assad-styrker
   Kontrolleret af syriske kurdere
   Kontrolleret af Islamisk Stat (IS / ISIL)
   Omstridt område
   Kontrolleret af den Syriske Nationale Koalition (den syriske opposition)
   Kontrolleret af Al-Nusra-Fronten
   Location dot red.svg Von Pro-Assad-Kräften bzw. den Streitkräften Syriens kontrolliert
   Dot yellow ff4.svg Von kurdischen Kräften bzw. den Demokratischen Kräften Syriens (SDF) kontrolliert
   Location dot black.svg Vom Islamischen Staat (IS) kontrolliert
   Umkämpftes Gebiet
   Dot green 0d0.svg Von Oppositionskräften kontrolliert
   Map-dot-grey-68a.svg Von Al-Nusra-Front kontrolliert
   LACMTA Circle Purple Line.svg Kontrolle zu gleichen Teilen zwischen Regierung und Oppositionskräften bzw. Waffenruhe
   Map-ctl2-red+yellow.svg gemeinsame Kontrolle von Regierung und SDF

In den jeweiligen Farben:
Map-ctl2-lime+grey.svg Kontrolle zu gleichen Teilen
4x4dot-red.svg Truppen im Umland von Städten bzw. Dörfern
80x80-yellow-black-anim.gif umstritten
Map-peak-black.svg strategische Anhöhe
Gota01.svg Öl- bzw. Gasfeld
Abm-grey-icon.png Militärstützpunkt bzw. Kontrollpunkt
Fighter-jet-lime-icon.svg Flughafen bzw. Luftwaffenstützpunkt
Helicopter-black-icon.svg Hubschrauberlandeplatz bzw. Helikopterbasis
Anchor pictogram red.svg wichtiger Hafen bzw. Marinestützpunkt
Mountain pass 12x12 n.svg Grenzposten
Arch dam 12x12 w.svg Damm

Icon NuclearPowerPlant-yellow.svg Industriekomplex
   Location dot red.svg Controlled by the Syrian Armed Forces
   Dot yellow ff4.svg Controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces
   Dot green 0d0.svg Controlled by the Syrian Opposition forces
   Map-dot-grey-68a.svg Controlled by the al-Nusra Front
   LACMTA Circle Purple Line.svg Government & Opposition stable mixed control (truce)
   Map-ctl2-red+yellow.svg Joint control between Government & SDF
   The disputed frontline between the forces

In the respective colours:
Map-ctl2-lime+grey.svg Stable mixed control
4x4dot-red.svg Rural presence
80x80-yellow-black-anim.gif Contested
Map-peak-black.svg Strategic hill
Gota01.svg Oilfield/Gasfield
Abm-grey-icon.png Military base or checkpoint
Fighter-jet-lime-icon.svg Airport/Air base (plane)
Helicopter-black-icon.svg Heliport/Helicopter base
Anchor pictogram red.svg Major port or naval base
Mountain pass 12x12 n.svg Border post
Arch dam 12x12 w.svg Dam

Icon NuclearPowerPlant-yellow.svg Industrial complex
   Zona controlada por el gobierno
   Zona controlada por fuerzas kurdas
   Zona controlada por el Estado Islámico
   Zona en disputa
   Zona controlada por la oposición
   Zona controlada por el Frente Al-Nusra
   Al Assaden gobernuaren kontrolpean
   Kurduen kontrolpean
   Estatu Islamikoaren kontrolpean
   Assaden aurkako matxinoek kontrolpean
   Al-Nusra frontearen kontrolpean
   Indarren arteko borroka fronteak
   Zones sous contrôle pro-Assad
   Zones sous contrôle kurde
   Zones sous contrôle de l'EIIL (État islamique en Irak et au Levant)
   Zones disputées
   Zones sous contrôle anti-Assad
   Pod kontrolom Assadovih snaga
   Pod kontolom Kurda
   Pod kontrolom ISIL-a
   Linija između suprotstavljenih snaga
   Pod kontrolom protuvladinih snaga
   Zone sotto il controllo di forze Pro-Assad
   Zone sotto controllo curdo
   Zone sotto il controllo dello Stato Islamico dell'Iraq e del Levante
   Fronte militare tra le forze
   Zone sotto controllo dei ribelli
   سوپای ڕژێم
   هێزه‌ كوردیه‌كان
   ده‌وڵه‌تی ئیسلامی له‌ عیڕاق و شام
   ئه‌و ناوچانه‌ی چاره‌نوسیان یه‌كلا نه‌بۆته‌وه‌
   هێزه‌كانی ئۆپۆزسیۆن
   A szíriai hadsereg ellenőrzése alatt
   A szíriai kurdok ellenőrzése alatt
   Az Iszlám Állam ellenőrzése alatt
   A szíriai ellenzéki erők koalíciójának ellenőrzése alatt
   Az Al-Nuszra Front ellenőrzése alatt
   Vitatott ellenőrzésű terület
   In handen van de Syrische overheid
   In handen van Koerdische troepen (Ro­ja­va)
   In handen van de Islamitische Staat (in Irak en de Levant) (ISIS)
   Betwist gebied
   Gecontroleerd door anti-Assad strijders
   Tereny kontrolowane przez Siły Zbrojne Syrii
   Tereny kontrolowane przez Powszechne Jednostki Ochrony (siły Kurdów)
   Tereny kontrolowane przez Państwo Islamskie
   Tereny kontrolowane przez Dżabhat an-Nusra
   Tereny sporne
   Zonas controladas por forças pro-Assad
   Zonas controladas por forças curdas
   Zonas controladas pelo Estado Islâmico
   Zonas em disputa
   Zonas controladas por outras forças anti-Assad
   Zone controlate de forțele pro-Assad
   Zone controlate de forțele kurde
   Zone controlate de forțele Statului Islamic
   Zone disputate
   Zone controlate de forțele anti-Assad
   E kontrolluar nga forcat e Assadit
   E kontrolluar nga forcat Kurde
   E knontrolluar nga Shteti Islamik i Irakut dhe Levantit
   E kontrolluar nga rebelet anti-Assad
   Pod nadzorom sirijske vlade
   Pod nadzorom sirijske opozicije
   Pod nadzorom sirijskih Kurdov
   Pod nadzorom Islamske države
   Pod nadzorom al-Nusre
   Sporno območje med več stranmi
Tiếng Việt:
   Kiểm soát bởi lực lượng thân Assad
   Kiểm soát bởi lực lượng người Kurd
   Kiểm soát bởi lực lượng chống Assad
   Suriye Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nin kontrolünde
   Suriye Demokratik Güçleri'nin kontrolünde
   Irak ve Şam İslam Devleti'nin kontrolünde
   Suriye Muhalefeti kontrolünde
   Nusret Cephesi'nin kontrolünde
   İhtilaflı bölge
Српски / srpski:
   Под контролом Асадових снага
   Под контролом Курда
   Под контролом Исламске Државе
   Линија између супрострављених снага
   Под контролом побуњеничких снага
Беларуская (тарашкевіца)‎:
   Пад кантролем урада Асада
   Пад кантролем курдскіх сілаў
   Пад кантролем Ісламскай Дзяржавы (ІДІЛ)
   Спрэчныя тэрыторыі
   Пад кантролем апазыцыі
   Под контрол на правителствените сили
   Под контрол на кюрдските милиции
   Под контрол на ИДИЛ
   Оспорвани земи
   Под контрол на бунтовниците
   Контролируются правительственными силами
   Контролируются курдскими силами
   Контролируются организацией «Исламское Государство Ирака и Леванта»
   Спорная территория между воюющими сторонами
   Контролируются антиправительственной коалицией
   Під контролем уряду Асада
   Під контролем курдських сил
   Під контролем Ісламської Держави (ІДІЛ)
   Спірні території
   Під контролем опозиції
   Περιοχή ελεγχόμενη από τον κυβερνητικό Στρατό της Συρίας
   Περιοχή ελεγχόμενη από τις κουρδικές Μονάδες Λαϊκής Προστασίας
   Περιοχή ελεγχόμενη από το Ισλαμικό Κράτος
   Περιοχή ελεγχόμενη από τον Συριακό Εθνικό Συνασπισμό (συριακή αντιπολίτευση)
   Περιοχή ελεγχόμενη από το Μέτωπο αλ Νούσρα
   Η διαφιλονικούμενη γραμμή του μετώπου ανάμεσα σε αντίπαλες δυνάμεις
   Վերահսկվում է Սիրիական կառավարական ուժերի կողմից
   Վերահսկվում է քրդերի կողմից
   Վերահսկվում է ընդդիմադիր ուժերի կողմից
   Վերահսկվում է "ան-Նուսրա" խմբավորման կողմից
   Վերահսկվում է "Իրաքի և Լևանտի իսլամական պետության" կողմից
   Հակամարտող կոմղերի միջև վիճելի տարածքներ
   असदसमर्थक सेनानाम् नियन्त्रणे क्षेत्राः
   कुर्द सेनानाम् नियन्त्रणे क्षेत्राः
   ISIS सेनानाम् नियन्त्रणे क्षेत्राः
   सेनानाम् मध्ये विवदित क्षेत्राः
   असदविरोधी सेनानाम् नियन्त्रणे क्षेत्राः
   정부군 점령 지역
   쿠르드족 점령 지역
   ISIS 점령 지역
   양 세력 간 전선 지역
   반정부군 점령 지역
   בשליטת כוחות נאמני אסד
   בשליטת כוחות כורדים
   בשליטת כוחות דאע"ש
   איזור במחלוקת בין הכוחות
   בשליטת כוחות מתנגדי אסד
   القوات الحكومية
   القوات الكردية
   قوات داعش
   مناطق مواجهات غير محسومة
   قوات المعارضة
   سوریه رژیمی سیلاحلی گوجلری
   عراق و شام ایسلام دؤلتی
   سوریه موخالیفلری
   النوصره جبهه‌سی
   سوریه دموکراتیک گوجلری
   ساواشما گئدن یادا ایختیلافلی بؤلگه‌لر

باغلی اولان رنگلرده:
Map-ctl2-lime+grey.svgنئچه طرفلی اله کئچن بؤلگه
4x4dot-red.svg کندلرده و کیچیک شهرلرده
80x80-yellow-black-anim.gif دؤیوشولن بؤلگه
Map-peak-black.svg ایستراتژیک یوکسکلیک
Gota01.svg دوغال قاز یادا نفت مئیدانی
Abm-grey-icon.png حربی ساخلو، تفتیش نوقطه‌سی
Fighter-jet-lime-icon.svg هاوا لیمانی، حربی هاوا لیمانی
Helicopter-black-icon.svg هلیکوپتر اوچون هاوا لیمانی، هلیکوپتر اوچون انیش-دوروش یئر
Anchor pictogram red.svg بؤیوک بندر، دنیز ساخلوسو
Mountain pass 12x12 n.svg سرحد کئچیدی
Arch dam 12x12 w.svg سدّ

Icon NuclearPowerPlant-yellow.svg صنایع بیرلشیمی
   در دست ارتش سوریه
   در دست نیروهای کرد
   در دست داعش
   مناطق درگیری
   در دست مخالفان اسد
   در دست جبهةالنصره
Author Ermanarich
Date 2011-2016
Source Own work, derived from the Template:Syrian Civil War detailed map.
Applications-graphics.svg This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Marks for the cities and towns as well as colour on the ground were added to show the situation in the Syrian Civil War.. The original can be viewed here: Syria location map3.svg. Modifications made by Ermanarich.

Georeferencing Georeference the map in Wikimaps Warper If inappropriate please set warp_status=skip to hide.
Other versions


I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
w:en:Creative Commons
attribution share alike
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
You are free:
  • to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work
  • to remix – to adapt the work
Under the following conditions:
  • attribution – You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
  • share alike – If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

(newest | oldest) View (newer 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
current19:07, 7 February 2017Thumbnail for version as of 19:07, 7 February 2017983 × 813 (6.74 MB)ErmanarichUpdate, derived from the template. SDF took a vast area north and northeast of Raqqa from IS, Syrian army advanced towards al-Bab, while Turkey's still not able to capture it. SAA also advances towards Pal...
23:57, 18 January 2017Thumbnail for version as of 23:57, 18 January 2017922 × 762 (6.83 MB)LightandDark2000Restored last accurate (close to accurate) revision.
20:06, 18 January 2017Thumbnail for version as of 20:06, 18 January 2017922 × 762 (6.24 MB)Mahrman19Reverted to version as of 19:25, 1 August 2016 (UTC)
00:28, 23 December 2016Thumbnail for version as of 00:28, 23 December 2016922 × 762 (6.83 MB)ErmanarichUpdate, derived from the template. Aleppo completely under SAA, large territorial gains for SDF in NW-Raqqa along lake Assad, small IS gains west of Palmyra.
02:08, 12 December 2016Thumbnail for version as of 02:08, 12 December 2016922 × 762 (6.8 MB)ErmanarichUpdate, derived from the template. Palmyra (Tadmur) and surroundings captured by IS in a big offensive, Turkey & allies in the outskirts of al-Bab, SDF operation continues east of the Euphrates, joint cont...
23:51, 9 December 2016Thumbnail for version as of 23:51, 9 December 2016922 × 762 (6.8 MB)ErmanarichRestored the actual version
23:49, 9 December 2016Thumbnail for version as of 23:49, 9 December 2016922 × 762 (6.26 MB)ErmanarichReverted to version as of 20/7/2016, because I need download this version but don't know how; will bring the normal version back then
23:31, 27 November 2016Thumbnail for version as of 23:31, 27 November 2016922 × 762 (6.8 MB)ErmanarichUpdate, derived from the Template. Raqqa offensive of the SDF, SDF and ES gains in the Shehba-plain, SAA adv. in Aleppo and n. Hama.
00:33, 19 October 2016Thumbnail for version as of 00:33, 19 October 2016922 × 762 (5.97 MB)ErmanarichUpdate, derived from the Template. Turkey and Opp. conquer more villages from IS and even Dabiq without a big battle. YPG also a few villages. Aleppo map update.
15:18, 10 October 2016Thumbnail for version as of 15:18, 10 October 2016922 × 762 (5.97 MB)ErmanarichUpdate, derived from the Template.
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