#Solar Feed-in minimum tariff to double for Victorian Solar citizens reports @takvera

The minimum Feed-in tariff for solar PV owners in Victoria will more than double due to changes the Dan Andrews Labor Government has made to the regulation of pricing for solar PV owners. Current minimum feed-in rate is 5 cents per kilowatt hour. Victoria’s independent regulator, the Essential Services Commission (ESC), has determined the new […]

#Solar to power Melbourne trams as Australia’s GHG emissions rise reports @takvera

Lily D’Ambrosio, the Victorian Energy and Environment Minister, stepped forward today to announce that Melbourne’s tram network will be powered by 100 per cent Solar. Not directly of course. But the government will issue a tender for a new 75MW capacity large scale solar farm to supply the equivalent power needed for the tram network […]

New Victorian #Solar Feed-in Tariffs to recognise Greenhouse gas avoidance reports @takvera

This article originally published by John Englart at Climate Action Moreland. New solar feed-in tariffs (FIT) are being introduced by the Andrews Labor government in Victoria, based on the time-of-day – peak, off-peak and shoulder – which better reflects current electricity pricing. The new tariff structure will also compensate solar households with a tariff component […]

#Solar thermal for South Australia? @takvera reporting on #solar4PtAugusta

Solar Reserve has a plan to build a solar thermal power station with storage at Port Augusta which would diversify South Australian electricity generation, bringing jobs and solar innovation to the state. The Aurora project as envisaged by Solar Reserve will create 1,000 construction jobs and 4,000 flow on jobs, with up to 50 ongoing […]

Taking the 100pc #renewables message to @TurnbullMalcolm in Wentworth for #ausvotes – @takvera

The Prime Minister’s electorate of Wentworth in Sydney played host to a Solar Citizens forum at Paddington Town Hall: the Wentworth 100 percent renewables forum. Former MP for Wentworth John Hewson turned up and gave the keynote address. Wentworth is one of the wealthiest electorates in Australia, but it also has the second lowest uptake […]

Export #solar not #coal, a 21st century Australian infrastructure project writes @takvera

If our Australian political leaders had any vision they might consider a 21st century renewables energy scheme similar in scope and vision to the Snowy Mountains Hydro scheme, for northern Australia, and linking us with some of our northern neighbours. Instead we have seen political pandering to the greed of fossil fuel companies, like the […]

Battle of #coal vs #renewables in northern Queensland writes @takvera

In the 2015 Australian budget $5 billion was put aside for a northern development fund. Prime Minister Tony Abbott called on Business leaders in Queensland’s north to develop a plan for a power station that could be considered for funding under this new fund. The Federal Government would like to see something like a proposal […]

Victorian Energy Minister challenges @TonyAbbottMHR on #RET – @takvera

On Thursday Victorian Energy Minister Lily D’Ambrosio told the Federal Government that Victoria wants to establish it’s own Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) and to get out of the way and clear the federal legislative path to do so. In 2009 the States and Territories negotiated the closure of their own state based RET schemes […]

Tesla Battery launch a revolutionary #energy solution for #climate says @takvera

In a remarkable 20 minute presentation on Thursday night, Elon Musk, the billionaire founder of Paypal and Tesla Motors, launched a scalable battery storage system aimed at multiple markets: from personal home use, small business to utility scale electricity storage. It is the missing jigsaw piece to the solar and renewables revolution already under way […]

Seventy Five percent of #heatwaves now attributed to #climate change reports @takvera

The latest study of extreme weather events has concluded that 3 out of 4 heatwaves and extreme heat events and nearly one in five heavy rainfall events, on a global scale, can be attributed to human contributions to global warming through greenhouse gas emissions. As temperatures continue to rise, the percentage is set to increase […]