Clive Palmer, part-time plutocrat: @e2mq173 comments #auspol

  Critics at the time suggested Australian mining billionaire Clive Palmer only entered politics to satisfy his personal agenda – a combination of Liberal National Party retribution, corporate greed and, most importantly, an inflated ego. If Palmer’s attendance in parliament is any indication, it seems the critics were right. As reported in The Guardian, since […]

Federal #ICAC genie is out of the bottle: @e2mq173 comments

Even the most naïve among us would recognise Prime Minister Abbott’s motivation for establishing the royal commissions into Trade Unions and the Home Insulation Program. He wanted to inflict lasting damage on the legacy of his political opponents – Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd were to be trophies for his political mantelpiece. Unfortunately for Mr […]

Political Jeopardy! @e2mq173 comments #auspol

Welcome to ‘Political Jeopardy!’, the latest in game shows, where politicians give the answers and leading experts must ask the right questions. Our first contestant is Mr Tony Shepherd from the National Commission of Audit. Mr Shepherd developed his career in the private sector. As Transfield Services chairman, he secured hundreds of government outsourcing contracts, […]

Joe Hockey is not an asshole, he’s just ambitious: @e2mq173 comments #auspol

  Treasurer Joe Hockey was once one of Australia’s most popular politicians. With a net positive score of 22 per cent, he was politically left of the NSW Liberal Party and aligned more with true liberals, such as Malcolm Turnbull, than with true conservatives such as Tony Abbott or John Howard. Hockey’s public persona was that […]

Job seekers are victims of our prosperity: @e2mq173 comments #auspol

This week Employment Minister Eric Abetz boldly advanced, then meekly retreated from, a controversial plan compelling job seekers to apply for 40 jobs a month in return for their unemployment benefits. The public backlash against the plan highlighted a government more concerned about punishment than ‘solving’ unemployment. Common sense says that quality, not quantity, of […]

Labor must not let polls distract from party reform: @e2mq173 comments

Labor has every reason to be pleased with the opinion polls. The Abbott government is now the worst-performing first-term federal government in history, and would face an embarrassing defeat if it were foolish enough to use a double dissolution to force its draconian budget through the Senate. Similarly, Victorian Premier Denis Napthine leads a deeply […]

Australia’s obsession with boats proves its racist core: @e2mq173 comments

After days of media speculation, it is has been revealed that the asylum seeker boat towed to the Australian mainland was given special clearance by Immigration Minister Scott Morrison. Mr Morrison refused to comment on the vessel, or the reasons why the vessel was not diverted to Christmas Island in line with government policy. “It […]

#WorldCup2014 – a reckless and unethical spending orgy: @e2mq173 comments

Those harbouring unrealistic expectations for Australian success at the World Cup have been brought back to earth this week. Australia has played well but until the ‘Beautiful Game’ becomes a national obsession, the Socceroos are unlikely to become a force that strikes fear into the hearts of European or South American teams. Thankfully, the rest of […]

Hockey’s lie – one month’s work to pay for welfare: @e2mq173 comments

Treasurer Joe Hockey made another impassioned speech last week to justify his government’s savage cuts to welfare and social services. His key message was that the “average working Australian, be they a cleaner, a plumber or a teacher” in this country must work more than one month a year to pay for someone on welfare.  […]

School chaplains – God knows why: @e2mq173 comments

  The school chaplaincy program is wasteful and indefensible government policy. Not only is the basis fundamentally flawed, it is one of the few areas of the budget that has consistently increased in cost with no discernible outcome. Prime Minister Howard announced a $90 million school chaplaincy scheme in 2006. Between 2007 and 2010 funding for […]