How Orange Sky Laundry founders stay friends and do business together

Lucas Patchett, left, and Nic Marchesi, founders of Orange Sky Laundry.
Lucas Patchett, left, and Nic Marchesi, founders of Orange Sky Laundry. Paul Harris
by Lucas Patchett and Nicholas Marchesi

The founders of Orange Sky Laundry, a clothes washing service for the homeless, have been friends since high school.

Lucas Patchett

Nic and I participated in a lot of food vans throughout high school and found that really rewarding; it was great to give back to the community but it was also an opportunity just to catch up with your mates. It was something we missed once we left school.

I came back from overseas and didn’t have much going on; I’d lost a girlfriend overseas, had no job, no uni. I was sort of just hanging out, looking for a project to sink my teeth into and Nic said he’d started up discussions with this laundry company.

The founders plan to take the mobile laundry concept overseas.
The founders plan to take the mobile laundry concept overseas. Rohan Thomson

We wanted to start this washing van with laundry machinery in the back to wash and dry homeless people’s clothes for free. So we managed to secure a meeting with Australia’s largest laundry supplier.

We told a big serious board room what we wanted to do. They thought we were pretty crazy, firstly because machines would never work in the back of a van, they said, and people in the parks are not going to use them. There was nothing else in the world like it, so we invited them to be a part of that journey and see if we could make it happen. And we did.

We’re learning every single day, whether we’re spending time on a shift in the van or meeting with a CEO of a big company, and that keeps us going.

What I’m passionate about isn’t washing clothes, it’s about problem-solving and learning. Orange Sky Laundry is sort of like a gap year for us and we have put everything on hold to grow this but really it’s having fun every day; it’s hanging out with my best mate every day and having a massive impact.

We’ve got plans for vans around Australia and building a team that can then take over in support. Nic and I know that we’re not the right people to be managing volunteers every day. We’re not the right people to be managing a million bucks worth of assets out in the field and looking after servicing and schedules. We know there are people out there who are skilled at that.

Because I did three and a half years of a mechanical engineering and commerce degree, I get asked a lot, “You must be super handy on the tools.” Nah, that’s probably more Nic. Engineering for me is really at the core of everything: the problem-solving and finding different creative solutions. Nic and I learn a lot by doing.

Nic and I have like a friendship constitution. We have some key points that allow us to pull each other up on stuff. The first point is that if the other one is getting on the other’s nerves we tell them straight away, so stuff doesn’t build up.

Going out on the vans is our absolute favourite thing to do. We try and conduct as many meetings as possible out on the van; it’s such a different environment to a board room and sponsors can really see the direct impact that we have. That’s where our most productive meetings have been and that’s what keeps us grounded. The reason we started this is to foster positive and genuine chats and do some laundry out on the streets of Sydney or Perth or wherever.

One of the good problems is there are a lot of people wanting to support us and it’s about finding where everyone fits in. What we’re passionate about is finding organisations or people or philanthropists who believe in what we’re doing and want to support it. And they might not necessarily care about the size of the logo or their brand exposure, but really, what they care about is the story.

So, together, with this company, or that person we’ve made new vans happen and we service more than 90 spots and wash 7.5 tonnes of laundry every week.

Nicholas Marchesi

What excites Lucas and I is being faced with the impossible and trying to find a solution. For us, that’s where our passion really lies – someone saying, “It is not possible to carry water in a van.” It has to be possible.

The scary but daunting thing is there are homeless people all around the world and they don’t have access to a free mobile laundry. We know the impact that it can have locally, we know the scale of impact and how quickly that can happen. Our focus for next year is the US and the UK; to help as many people as possible. We’ve found something that is scalable, we’ve found something that we want to get people to buy into all around the world, so that’s exciting, it’s scary.

I’ve always been fascinated by how things work, but what I’ve been really bad at doing is waiting. I’m an incredibly impatient person and I really want to see the impact. Impact excites me, both in helping people but in coming up with a solution to a problem.

Very early on, Lucas and I didn’t know how much detergent you put in a washing machine. We didn’t want volunteers to have to deal with that, we didn’t want big buckets of powder, so we had to find a way to automatically put detergent into the machine.

We’ve learnt through making a lot of mistakes that you can’t do everything. If you’re very clear with each other about your focus, your priority, it’s very easy to make decisions.

What Lucas and I do really well as an organisation is we take feedback on board, we make sure that it fits our focus and our priorities, then if there is the possibility to change, we change as quickly as possible.

We’re really passionate about rapid prototyping. We never talk ideas, we talk concepts: we get that concept out there, we get buy-in, we get it to 80 per cent and, if it works, we scale it as fast as possible.

The three key aims of Orange Sky laundry are: restore respect, raise health standards and reduce the strain on resources.

One of our biggest aims is to work with community organisations. So at those 94 locations we go to across Australia we’re complementing a wonderful food service, or a counselling service, or a GP, or a barber that gives free haircuts. But far from the washing and drying and the clean socks is the opportunity to sit down and have a conversation.

A gentleman by the name of Neville in Brisbane started bringing his washing. One of our volunteers was competing in a marathon and Neville decided: “I’m going to compete in a marathon.” He’d never run before, he was living on the banks of a river, and every morning he started going to a running club.

He started opening up more and really wanting to be more involved. He started screen-printing our T-shirts and the running sort of became infectious. Neville competed in the Gold Coast marathon with a time of three hours and 21 minutes, which is in the top 10 per cent for that marathon, and now he works full-time with us.

People really just need one or two or three things that go right, whether that’s clean clothes, having a chat, getting a little bit of confidence and you can find yourself back and connected with the community.

This is an edited version of an address given at a BOSS-University of Sydney Business School Emerging Leaders event.

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