Last updated: February 20, 2017

Pythonesque energy subsidies

Monty Python couldn’t make this up. Governments subsidise unreliable renewable power to the point where fossil fuelled generators close.

Islamic law challenges our values

The Weekend Australian’s Inquirer coverage of the vexed issue of Islamic laws is to be commended.

Last Post, February 20

Perhaps the scope of the royal commission on child sex abuse should be extended to see if God actually exists.

Last Post, February 18

Poor Bill Shorten — doesn’t know if he is Arthur or Martha.

Jobs before multinationals

The government needs to start looking after its own.

Last Post, February 17

Nick and Bill: appropriate names for political “leaders”.

At last, the nuclear option

How wonderful to see a figure of political importance using the word “nuclear” for our power mix.

The law takes precedence

Why are we even discussing Islamic treatment of women? In 21st-century Australia, this is a nonsense.

Last Post, February 16

Intergenerational debt represents the pretext for the return of indentured servitude. It won’t be long now until you owe the government your living.

Crossbenchers hold all power

Paul Kelly highlights a serious shift in how federal parliament works, how le­g­is­lation is framed and the country is governed.

It’s not about the gap

The latest Closing the Gap report shows that, using the gap as the measure of success, there has been negligible improvement.

Last Post, February 15

To seek or not to seek Pauline’s preferences? This old cynic enjoys very much the moral unease within the Coalition.

If we ban the burka, where will it end?

Banning the burka is the thin end of the wedge (“Leading Muslim backs Lambie on burka ban”, 14/2).

We need to talk about Pauline

If we don’t wake up to the fact Pauline Hanson represents over a million unhappy voters, we’re in for a rude shock.

Last Post, February 14

A row of power transmission towers fell over causing a blackout in SA and the Prime Minister tells us it’s caused by too much wind power.

Conservatism faces challenges

A response to Jennifer Oriel’s thoughtful article on why conservatism has to be actively contended for could lie in an old adage.

Politicians caused power crisis

Politicians need to be held responsible for the “power crisis” and come up with a plan to fix it now

Last Post, February 13

Having a PM with mojo is very useful to our nation (“At last, Malcolm finds his missing mojo”, 11/2).

True experts among the glib?

Peter van Onselen gets to the nub of the malaise (“Political discourse coarsened by the war against ‘elites’ ”, 11/2).

Fumbling in the dark with policy

The price of renewable energy supplies and of battery storage systems has dropped markedly in the past few years.

Last Post, February 11

I’m wondering if Cory Bernardi isn’t running a big double bluff: rounding up the right-wing Libs.

Hard work for all of us

Some politicians think their “hard work” is not sufficiently acknowledged and this justifies the gold travel pass perk.

We simply can’t go on like this

The energy situation in South Australia is an absolute disgrace (“PM slams ALP’s power horror show”, 10/2).

Last Post, January 10

Had you closed your eyes on Wednesday, you could easily have mistaken Turnbull for vintage Costello and Keating.

Another heatwave and blackout

Given the continuing energy debacle in SA, how is it possible for informed voters to elect a Labor government?

Malcolm has mojo — now policy

It is good to see our Prime Minister get his mojo back (“PM finally takes off the gloves”, 9/2).

Last Post, February 9

It just does not jell that Ahmed Fahour, Australia Post boss, gets paid about 10 times as the Prime Minister.

Some independent thought on ABCC

My initial view of Hinch was of just another self-interested independent using celebrity status to gain a Senate seat.

It’s fight in the dog that counts

Until today (Wednesday), one might have imagined our PM was a blue cattledog: stocky but agile when rounding up votes.

Last Post, February 8

I see some Liberal MPs are accusing Cory Bernardi of betrayal. I guess some of them have great personal expertise.

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