Last updated: February 20, 2017

Monday 20th February 2017

Female spies deadlier than men

Female spies deadlier than men

As North Korean assassins demonstrated last week, the West’s enemies know better than us the power of a pretty face.

Friday 17th February 2017

Help Rohingya from being radicalised

Help Rohingya from being radicalised

A UN commission would focus attention where it belongs — on the military and state security forces.

Thursday 16th February 2017

Only Palestinians can solve conflict

Only Palestinians can solve conflict

Four rules for Jared Kushner as the Trump administration’s point man on Israeli-Arab issues.

Wednesday 15th February 2017

Too many live in own worlds

Too many live in own worlds

If we don’t want an US-style schism between city and suburb, politicians need to find a way to bridge the gap.

Tuesday 14th February 2017

Emotions are a poor substitute

Emotions are a poor substitute

Sharing another person’s pain is an indulgence that invariably blinds us to the real problems

Monday 13th February 2017

Ignore the Palestinians’ gripe

Ignore the Palestinians’ gripe

Israel’s enemies are making a lot of noise, but US President Donald Trump should keep his promise.

We must defend legacy of West

We must defend legacy of West

Conservatism needs defining before it can carry civilisation into another century.

Friday 10th February 2017

Protests play into Trump’s hands

Protests play into Trump’s hands

The vulgarity and violence of the anti-Trump Left may be helping the president.

Thursday 9th February 2017

Not every age needs a Churchill

Not every age needs a Churchill

My mother’s life taught me the value of political moderation and to be distrustful of radical change and big ideas.

Wednesday 8th February 2017

Bannon’s ideological project?

Bannon’s ideological project?

To understand how far Donald Trump and Steve Bannon are willing to go, one must understand their ultimate aims.

Tuesday 7th February 2017

A toxic combination

A toxic combination

Alternative facts have no place in climate-change research. Greater integrity is essential if the scandals are to stop

Monday 6th February 2017

Japan in nervous wait for Trump

Japan in nervous wait for Trump

Japan is engaged on a new mission to find a stable foothold as Donald Trump’s reshapes global politics.

Friday 3rd February 2017

Dems look to dump Trump in 2018

Dems look to dump Trump in 2018

The Trump White House believed it was important for the President to fulfil his campaign commitments immediately.

Perhaps Trump is a Jacksonian

Perhaps Trump is a Jacksonian

Seventh president’s style may be key to the Oval Office.

Thursday 2nd February 2017

US faces Asia credibility crisis

US faces Asia credibility crisis

The US has not faced a more dangerous security environment in Asia since the end of the Korean War.

Tuesday 31st January 2017

This isn’t a Muslim ban

This isn’t a Muslim ban

Sure, the way Trump’s travel ban was introduced was dreadful, but it’s simply a defence of freedom.

Monday 30th January 2017

Muslim ban feeds IS narrative

Muslim ban feeds IS narrative

President Trump can sign as many executive orders as he likes but the fact is the terrorists he’s looking for aren’t on planes.

Your can talk to people or mob

Your can talk to people or mob

Newly elected US President Donald Trump’s “power to the people” pledge follows a well-worn path.

May must advance global citizens

May must advance global citizens

There’s reason to hope the dreadful Little Englander appeal of the PM’s conference speech has been left behind.

Friday 27th January 2017

Is the world ready for war?

Is the world ready for war?

The legitimacy of Donald Trump and Xi Jinping equally hangs on the maintenance of prosperity.

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