Last updated: February 20, 2017

Sharia: dark ages death sentence

Sharia: dark ages death sentence

Australia has a proud, enlightened culture and it is worth preserving and protecting against any threat.

Capital gains tax reform ‘on the table’

Capital gains tax reform ‘on the table’

The Coalition remains open to a controversial Budget increase in capital gains tax to help tackle housing affordability.

PM rejects banks tax push

PM rejects banks tax push

Malcolm Turnbull has rejected a call from some Coalition MPs to drop the big four banks from his company tax cut policy.

Hospitals not exempt from blackouts

Hospitals not exempt from blackouts

Hospitals in regional areas are not exempt from having their mains power cut during future load shedding blackouts.

Renewables rise hits farmers

Renewables rise hits farmers

The Mulcahy brothers have a question for politicians: why are they making Australia less competitive than the rest of Asia?

‘Dramatic energy action’ doubt

‘Dramatic energy action’ doubt

The federal government has questioned the likelihood of ‘dramatic intervention’ in the ­national electricity market.

PM takes Abbott down a peg

PM takes Abbott down a peg

Malcolm Turnbull has moved to quell talk of tax increases while fending off ­another rebuke from Tony Abbott.

Ditch green targets, states told

Ditch green targets, states told

Labor state governments face new demands to ditch overlapping renewable energy targets.

Badgerys ‘unviable’ without help

Badgerys ‘unviable’ without help

Development of Sydney’s Badgerys Creek airport is unviable without substantial government support, Sydney Airport says.

Door open on levy hike

Door open on levy hike

Malcolm Turnbull has left open lifting the Medicare levy, as the government faces a $13bn budget writedown.

NDIS ‘has been a saviour’

NDIS ‘has been a saviour’

Kirby Littley’s outlook changed when she got on a trial of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

ALP accused of rating ‘dog act’

ALP accused of rating ‘dog act’

Scott Morrison says it would be a ‘dog act’ for Labor to force a downgrading of the country­’s AAA credit rating.

Coalition slams super ‘let-down’

Coalition slams super ‘let-down’

The government has dismissed a long-awaited superannuation review by former RBA governor Bernie Fraser.

Deal to keep fees honest

Deal to keep fees honest

New arrangements between Medibank and Healthshare will factor in finances when discussing referrals.

Wary of racing revenue changes

Wary of racing revenue changes

The NSW government has played down intervening to change TAB racing revenue shares between horse and dog racing.

Native title changes lauded

Native title changes lauded

Indigenous groups are welcoming amendments to the Native Title Act, despite Labor protests it was blindsided by the move.

Gold pass travel perk axed

Gold pass travel perk axed

The Senate last night voted to end free lifetime travel for former ­parliamentarians.

Welfare ‘fraud finder’ in review

Welfare ‘fraud finder’ in review

More than $6bn spent each year on technology projects will be reviewed by the federal government.

‘Move NDIS youth from aged care’

‘Move NDIS youth from aged care’

The mission to find about 2000 youth left in aged-care homes and transfer them to the NDIS this year ‘will fail’.

Xenophon levy plan to hit families

Xenophon levy plan to hit families

Nick ­Xenophon’s call for a lift in the Medicare levy to fill the NDIS gap would cost families up to $2600 a year.

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