Last updated: February 20, 2017

Wife at risk allowed to stay

Wife at risk allowed to stay

A Muslim mother can stay in Australia after the Family Court agreed she was at risk if forced to return home

Plea to keep 457 workers

Plea to keep 457 workers

Arthur Sinodinos is to consult with the tech industry over the government’s review of 457 visas.

Court action a ‘wacky cause’

Court action a ‘wacky cause’

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has accused GetUp! of ripping off donors by using money for ‘wacky causes’.

Victims of ‘bad hombres’ waiting

Victims of ‘bad hombres’ waiting

Refugees are fleeing the Northern Triangle murder zone of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala for safety in Costa Rica.

Sharrouf citizenship stripped

Sharrouf citizenship stripped

The government has used anti-terrorism laws for the first time to strip IS terrorist Khaled Sharrouf of his citizenship.

Dutton defends visa check move

Dutton defends visa check move

Peter Dutton has defended moves allowing him to order holders of a ten year visitor’s visa to undergo a revalidation check.

Guantanamo a no-go in swap

Guantanamo a no-go in swap

The government refused to take inmates from Guantanamo as part of a refugee swap deal struck with the US.

Turnbull rules out US trade-off

Turnbull rules out US trade-off

Malcolm Turnbull rules out a trade with US President Donald Trump on military support in return­ for a refugee deal.

Bishop: no halt to Nauru vetting

Bishop: no halt to Nauru vetting

Julie Bishop has denied reports the US has delayed interviews with detainees on Nauru.

US vetting in play before PM call

US vetting in play before PM call

US officials have been on Nauru since January 22 and had begun conducting ‘extreme vetting’ of 1250 refugees.

Allies in war of words

Allies in war of words

Australia’s alliance with the US has hit its lowest point in decades, in a clash over a divisive refugee deal.

Refugee deal will proceed: US

Refugee deal will proceed: US

The Turnbull government has gained another assurance from Donald Trump’s administration on a crucial refugee deal.

Sights turn to people-smugglers

Sights turn to people-smugglers

Stephen ­Osborne will become the first from the ranks of the RAAF to take command of Operation Sovereign Borders.

Scramble to find Aussie impact

Scramble to find Aussie impact

Australian officials are scrambling to determine how Donald Trump’s executive order affects Australians.

Trump ban blowtorch on PM

Trump ban blowtorch on PM

Malcolm Turnbull is under fire for refusing to take a position on ­Donald Trump’s immigration ban.

Greens: ‘junk our US alliance’

Greens: ‘junk our US alliance’

Richard Di Natale called for retribution for Donald Trump’s move to ban people from seven countries from entering the US.

‘Why has Trump agreed to this?’

‘Why has Trump agreed to this?’

Senator Hanson has suggested there may be more to the US refugee deal for Nauru and Manus Island than meets the eye.

China’s dodgy $1bn in property

China’s dodgy $1bn in property

Australian financial intelligence officials last year probed more than $3.3bn of suspect transfers by China investors.

Girl, 7, arranged marriage risk

Girl, 7, arranged marriage risk

The Federal Circuit Court has placed the name of a seven-year-old Sydney girl on the airport watchlist.

Trump to honour Nauru deal

Trump to honour Nauru deal

In a phone call he is understood to have assured Malcolm Turnbull the resettlement deal will go ahead despite his crackdown.

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