Last updated: February 20, 2017

Gladys unplugged by power goal

Gladys unplugged by power goal

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian was yesterday unable to name the state’s clean energy target.

Coal power overhaul for green bank

Coal power overhaul for green bank

The Coalition is preparing to overhaul the nation’s $10billion “green bank”.

Labor’s RET tap dance

Labor’s RET tap dance

The Opposition has finally worked out its 50 per cent Renewable Energy Target is an election-losing policy.

Taxpayers set to fund coal power

Taxpayers set to fund coal power

The Turnbull government is looking at legislation to allow taxpayers to fund a new coal-fired power station.

Labor RET ‘crazy, reckless’

Labor RET ‘crazy, reckless’

Mathias Cormann adds to Coalition attacks on Labor’s retreat from a 50pc renewable energy target by 2030.

Ditch green targets, states told

Ditch green targets, states told

Labor state governments face new demands to ditch overlapping renewable energy targets.

Labor ‘white flag’ on RET

Labor ‘white flag’ on RET

Mark Butler appears to confirm that Labor’s 50pc renewable energy target will be an aspiration, not a legislated commitment.

Shorten stumbles on energy cost

Shorten stumbles on energy cost

Bill Shorten has stumbled on energy security by failing to explain how Labor will achieve its goal on renewable power.

‘Forget ideology, fix the grid’

‘Forget ideology, fix the grid’

Leading groups have united to call for a cross-party political consensus on the reform of Australia’s energy market.

Labor ‘can’t keep the lights on’

Labor ‘can’t keep the lights on’

Labor worships at the altar of renewable energy but doesn’t have a backup electricity plan, the PM says.

Labor’s power ‘horror show’

Labor’s power ‘horror show’

Malcolm Turnbull has blasted Labor’s RET ‘horror show’ by seizing on blackouts in SA to warn of out­ages.

WA Labor in drive for 50pc RET

WA Labor in drive for 50pc RET

The Labor Party is poised to announce it will set a 50 per cent renewable energy target for WA by 2030.

Invest in carbon storage, says BHP

Invest in carbon storage, says BHP

The miner sees carbon capture and storage as more likely to cut emissions because it can be fitted to existing plants.

‘Misleading data’ used to debunk

‘Misleading data’ used to debunk

A paper claiming to debunk a ‘pause’ or ‘hiatus’ in global temperatures is alleged to have used misleading data.

Green power bill hits $3bn a year

Green power bill hits $3bn a year

Taxpayer subsidies to meet state and federal renewable energy targets include hidden costs that are spiralling.

PM backed on cleaner electricity

PM backed on cleaner electricity

Coal mining chief executives have swung behind Malcolm Turnbull’s plan for cleaner coal electricity generation.

Tax and energy top PM’s agenda

Tax and energy top PM’s agenda

The Prime Minister knows that 2017 is a make-or-break year for the government.

Dump ‘would assure our future’

Dump ‘would assure our future’

Kimba farmer Jeff Baldock believes a nuclear waste dump would halt the decline of his remote Eyre Peninsula community.

‘I’ve got an open mind’

‘I’ve got an open mind’

Mark Butler suggests Labor’s stance on a 50 per cent renewable energy by 2030 target may be softening.

Going off the grid is must-have

Going off the grid is must-have

Power storage has improved out of sight, and prices are on the way down.

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