Last updated: February 20, 2017

Wednesday 15th February 2017

Sector-wide backing is world-class

Sector-wide backing is world-class

Australia will begin to lag at the global level without consistent support for innovation and excellence.

Trump factor likely to score low

Trump factor likely to score low

The US President may have trouble keeping many of his campaign promises.

Knowledge suffered as we slept

Knowledge suffered as we slept

The overarching path universities in Australia have taken leads in one, neoliberal, direction.

Thursday 9th February 2017

Distilling the STEM experience

Distilling the STEM experience

STEM students need to take control of their careers long before they graduate.

Wednesday 8th February 2017

Cost of living trumps fees hurdle

Cost of living trumps fees hurdle

The government must assist universities in creating targeted income-support packages for low-SES students

Wednesday 1st February 2017

Health test to aid data diagnosis

Health test to aid data diagnosis

We should use the health sector as a testing ground for Productivity Commission’s Big Data reforms.

Tuesday 24th January 2017

Sustaining university sustainability

Sustaining university sustainability

Melbourne’s new plan responds to today’s financial and environmental challenges and a 19th century mission.

Obama’s approach to science

Obama’s approach to science

It is timely to consider the legacy of outgoing president Barack Obama in science and innovation.

Three predictions for education

Three predictions for education

After untold years of formal education, mixed in with learning at our workplaces, we are all quasi-experts.

Monday 23rd January 2017

Keeping more girls in science

Keeping more girls in science

Marie Curie remains to this day the one female scientist, living or dead, that respondents to surveys can name.

Wednesday 18th January 2017

A dance through uncertainty

A dance through uncertainty

The year ahead will be one of trade-offs for the university sector.

Soft landing less likely

Soft landing less likely

How about an open debate on the systemic malaise that bedevils Australia’s system of higher education?

Friday 23rd December 2016

Changes make for relaxing gap year

Changes make for relaxing gap year

When is a gap year not a gap year? When you are a student from regional Australia.

Saturday 17th December 2016

Western civilisation in safe hands

Western civilisation in safe hands

This small university continues a great tradition.

Wednesday 14th December 2016

How to fix higher education

How to fix higher education

Nine guiding principles for a sustainable system.

Present promises bright future

Present promises bright future

The tertiary sector has plenty of reasons to be cheerful.

Tuesday 13th December 2016

Inquiry needs to look at farce

Inquiry needs to look at farce

Gillian Triggs finds it difficult to explain to senators her botch-up of a racial hatred case against students.

Wednesday 7th December 2016

Encouraging the entrepreneurs

Encouraging the entrepreneurs

Not everyone can be a Steve Jobs but they should be able to try

Balance of the applied and pure

Balance of the applied and pure

Research should be about more than just selling products.

Collaboration doesn’t always pay

Collaboration doesn’t always pay

Success stories are restricted to particular fields.

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