Last updated: February 20, 2017

Bosses will pay for code: CFMEU

Bosses will pay for code: CFMEU

CFMEU leaders may seek extra pay rises if workers have to give up conditions to comply with the new construction code.

Leveson case may change law

Leveson case may change law

The disappearance of a Sydney man whose boyfriend has been offered immunity could provoke a change in the law.

Why the secrets, Berejiklian?

Why the secrets, Berejiklian?

By law, a public inquiry into council amalgamation can be heard in secret, with evidence not disclosed to the public.

Rights, wrongs and rule of law

Rights, wrongs and rule of law

There is nothing particularly unusual about expressions of executive impatience with legal constraints.

Call for mandatory sentencing

Call for mandatory sentencing

Victims of childhood sexual assault in Tasmania are calling on politicians to back mandatory sentencing of pedophiles.

Criminal justice meant to punish

Criminal justice meant to punish

The criminal justice system exists to punish criminals and protect the community, not to fix societal problems.

Court assent ruled under French

Court assent ruled under French

The High Court under former Chief Justice Robert French has been revealed as a haven of agreement.

Fairfax’s Kazal defence diluted

Fairfax’s Kazal defence diluted

It would be understandable if those running Fairfax Media were to overlook the setback they have just suffered.

Slater reels from UK fallout

Slater reels from UK fallout

The law firm is at the mercy of lenders as its shares plunged yesterday on fresh outlook downgrade.

Culture clashes hit law tie-up

Culture clashes hit law tie-up

Debt and cultural differences put paid to the UK arm of global law giant KWM after a merger that included Australia’s Mallesons.

Slater & Gordon shares smashed

Slater & Gordon shares smashed

S&G shares have plummeted over 30pc after it warned of further writedowns and revealed ongoing cash leaks.

$60k raised for race case costs

$60k raised for race case costs

Alex Wood, the stud­ent who was hit with a $41,336 legal bill, will not be out of pocket a cent.

Public funds 18C legal bill

Public funds 18C legal bill

Alex Wood was exonerated over racial hatred claims and then hit with a bill to pay costs incurred by his accuser’s solicitor.

Hanson: scrap Family Court

Hanson: scrap Family Court

Pauline Hanson will meet Family Court Chief Justice Diana Bryant to discuss the senator’s desire to abolish the court.

The Siri for accountants

The Siri for accountants

Ailira is so clever at tax, that her creator believes she could help prompt the end of human tax agents.

Brandis failed on rights warning

Brandis failed on rights warning

George Brandis was warned last year to take legislative action to pre-empt the freeze on indigenous land-use deals.

Lock ’em up is costing us dearly

Lock ’em up is costing us dearly

At costs of nearly $4 billion a year and growing, prisons have a poor record when it comes to rehabilitation.

How did ICAC get law so wrong?

How did ICAC get law so wrong?

The NSW government can’t avoid another wave of toxic politics triggered by the incompetence of its corruption watchdog.

Chase ‘to net billions’ for ATO

Chase ‘to net billions’ for ATO

Insolvency firm Sheahan Lock Partners has a plan it believes could help Canberra pocket billions from tax avoiders.

Speakman puts judges on notice

Speakman puts judges on notice

If the judges of NSW are expecting a champion now they have a former silk as AG, they are about to be disappointed.

‘Top up legal aid with business’

‘Top up legal aid with business’

The new Australian Bar Association president believes underfunded legal aid could be topped up by big business.

‘Drug bust’ statement stoush

‘Drug bust’ statement stoush

A legal stoush has erupted over alleged comments made by Peter Dutton and Minister Michael Keenan over alleged cocaine haul.

$41k bill for 18C legal costs

$41k bill for 18C legal costs

Former QUT student Alex Wood has now been billed more than $41,000 in costs to fund lawyers for Susan Moriarty.

Crown facing class action

Crown facing class action

James Packer’s Crown should have warned of risks before staff arrests in China hit its share price, say lawyers.

Why the Brexit ruling is wrong

Why the Brexit ruling is wrong

The Brexit ruling seems to be upholding parliamentary sovereignty, but it has the effect of increasing judicial power.

Disruption needs calm leadership

Disruption needs calm leadership

Calm and consultative leadership is what will divide the successful from the “have not” law firms in 2017.

ICAC errors ‘ruined our careers’

ICAC errors ‘ruined our careers’

Two ex-members of the NSW parliament have called for an inquiry into ICAC’s destruction of their political careers.

A chance to remedy injustice

A chance to remedy injustice

Gladys Berejiklian has inherited an awful mess from Mike Baird, her predecessor as NSW premier.

Sirtex ready to defend

Sirtex ready to defend

Sirtex will ‘vigorously defend’ threatened legal action by investors alleging misleading and deceptive conduct.

Judge’s veiled swipe at Trump

Judge’s veiled swipe at Trump

The Chief Justice of NSW says judicial officers must uphold ‘the rule of law, in spite of popular sentiment’.

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