An Easy Way to Take Care of Vaginal Odor

My husband is very knowledgeable when it comes to health issues, so I did not hesitate to tell him when I had a vaginal discharge that had a medium strength odor to it. I knew that he would be able to either tell me what was going on or go online and find out some answers. He was not positive, so he decided to look for more information on the Internet. That is where he found out about questionable vaginal discharge as well as Crystal X, an entirely natural product that helps women who have this issue.

There are two different ways to use the product. One is for married women, and the other is for women who are still single. He looked at the directions for married women, and it was a quite simple process. The first step is to get the product moist with clean water. It is then inserted to a shallow depth for just ten seconds. That is it! After ten seconds, I am able to take it out, and then I have to wash it with clean water again. (more…)

How to Deal With Excess Hair Growth

vbfvsdvdvMost women have only very fine hair on areas of the skin where men tend to grow thick, dark body hair, such as the upper lip, cheeks, chin, back, chest, and abdomen. But about 8 percent of women have a condition called hirsutism, which causes excess hair growth in those areas. Also called hypertrichosis, having excess hair is at best annoying and at worst embarrassing. Hair removal and bleaching are common treatment options, but there are some medications that can help as well as more permanent methods.

Symptoms and Causes of Excess Hair Growth

Symptoms besides the excess hair growth can help determine if there’s a medical cause for the hirsutism. You may also have:

  • Abnormal menstrual periods or having no period
  • A deep voice
  • Acne
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Decreased breast size

About half of all women with hirsutism have elevated levels of male sex hormones, which are known as androgens. Such increases in women’s androgen levels may be due to:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome, in which a hormone imbalance causes cysts to form on the ovaries
  • Cushing’s syndrome, which occurs when your body overproduces the hormone cortisol for an

Face Lifts Erase an Average of 7 Years Off Age

ddhgdhgfhgA small, new study finds that people who had facial plastic surgery looked an average of seven years younger than they did before the procedure.

There are some caveats to the research. Almost all of the study participants were women who were middle-aged or older, and the findings don’t prove that the surgeries — instead of other factors such as the mood of the patients — directly caused them to look younger.

Also, only a single surgeon performed all of the procedures, each of which costs thousands.

Still, the study “does give us some quantifiable evidence that we do achieve significant success in terms of our ability to rejuvenate patients and help them achieve a less tired look,” said study author Dr. Nitin Chauhan, a facial plastic surgeon in Toronto.

One of Chauhan’s colleagues performed one or more facial plastic surgery procedures on the 60 patients in the study between 2005 and 2008. One group underwent face and neck lifts; another had those procedures plus upper and lower eyelid lifts; and a third group had all the procedures plus a forehead lift.

Home Remedies for Chapped Lips

gndgbdfbdDry, cracked lips usually have a simple cause and an equally simple solution. Effective and affordable relief for chapped lips can be as simple as changing your habits and reaching for the right home remedy.

“There are several different things that can cause chapped lips,” says dermatologist Clay J. Cockerell, MD, medical director of Dermpath Diagnostics in Dallas. “Most of the time it’s just caused by dryness.” The outdoor elements, such as wind, are a prime culprit.

Occasionally there are more serious causes for persistent chapped lips, including:

  • Sun damage to the lips that has become a precancerous condition
  • Allergies
  • Inflammatory skin disease

If your chapped lips don’t go away by using lip balm, Dr Cockerell advises a visit toyour dermatologist to see if a medical condition is at the root of the problem.

Breaking the Chapped Lips Habit

These tips will help both treat and prevent chapped lips:

  • Stay hydrated. Dry, cracked lips may be a sign that you are not drinking enough water.
  • Use lip products with a sun protection factor (SPF). These help to protect against sun damage, which can lead to

The Top Demanding Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Cosmetic dentistry is one of the top demanding dental care services across the world today. The treatment procedure is designed with an aim to develop the look of one’s teeth and gums. Very naturally, a great smile contributes a lot in your personality development and self confidence. Nonetheless, with the unparalleled development in dentistry segment, expert dental surgeons like William N. Langstaff DDS can provide you with great solutions to all your dental and oral problems that hamper theoral health and your smile.

These days, Cosmetic dentistry covers an extended area including teeth whitening, reshaping teeth positions, repairing rough spots, blemish and chips while they can also help you by filling dental cavities, closing dental gaps and also by replacing your missing teeth area with dental implants process. William N. Langstaff DDS has long expertise in this area and works in conjunction with his skilled assistants in order to perform all kinds of dental cosmetic procedures. This is only one specialty area of his state-of-the art-dental care unit Villa Park Dental Center CA that is expert in providing widespread oral and dental care treatments, surgeries and advisory.

3 Top demanding Cosmetic dentistry procedures are as under

  • Tooth Whitening

Typically, one’s teeth get stained,

A Brief Know How about Depression and When It is Serious

Feeling down is a part of life. Everyone goes through such periods. Dump days, Monday morning blues and there are other such names for feeling down. However, the matter is not always so easy. Sometimes this feeling of blue turns into a feeling of helplessness. Such feeling more than often creates problem in the usual routine. In case such feeling is keeping you inside home and making you stay within your shell, you should be alert. This is the sign of depression. It might be serious.

Morningside Recovery has been treating depression along with other mental issues like personality disorder, bipolar disorder and PTSD for a long time. The doctors and therapists want people to know when they should take the matter seriously and go see a doctor.

  • Changes in Eating Habit

With depression eating habit changes. Usually depression drives people to withdraw. This ultimately forces them to eat less. Loss of appetite can be a sign of depression. However, sometimes the illness causes reverse effect as well. Some end up eating more than usual. So over eating is another sign which you should be aware of. In case, this continues for a long time, you should think of going for

What Are Pregnancy Skin Tags

Pregnancy changes your body in many ways besides producing your baby bump. Changes to your skin alone may be longer than your list of food cravings. While most women know to expect some skin conditions like stretch marks and spider veins, the development of pregnancy skin tags might be a surprise.

What Are Pregnancy Skin Tags?

A skin tag is a small growth of skin that appears on the skin surface or dangles from a thin stalk just off the body. They are tiny and usually measured in just a few millimeters — a fraction of an inch. A skin tag is usually skin-colored or somewhat darker and could be unsightly if it surfaces in an obvious place, like on your face or neck. Annoying as they might be, skin tags aren’t dangerous.

Likely places for pregnancy skin tags to develop are the face and neck, particularly on the sides; the upper chest, including beneath or between the breasts; the underarms; and around the groin. 

Though exact numbers aren’t known, they seem to be prevalent in pregnant women who had and didn’t have skin tags before their pregnancy. In other words, pregnancy skin tags can appear on a woman simply because she is

Dry Scalp and Dandruff Whats Causing Those Flakes

If your black shirt is covered in white flakes and it’s not snowing outside, your scalp is probably to blame. This symptom, commonly known as dandruff, can be due to a variety of conditions, from a simple dry scalp to a form of eczema or evenpsoriasis.

Understanding Dandruff

Dandruff flakes are actually dead skin cells that naturally fall off the scalp — more so if you scratch. Many people think that a dry scalp is synonymous with dandruff, but either a dry scalp or an overly oily scalp can cause excess cells to clump and fall off, forming dandruff flakes. A number of skin conditions and other causes can make your scalp flaky.

Some factors that can increase the risk of dandruff include: 

  • Heredity
  • Hormonal changes, like puberty
  • Excess alcohol consumption
  • Eating high-sugar, spicy, or high-salt foods
  • Lack of nutrients like fatty acids and vitamin B
  • Weather changes
  • Stress

Common Dandruff Causes — and Treatments That Work


Dry scalp. Dry skin on the scalp can cause scaly flakes. Dandruff due to a dry scalp can be treated with inexpensive, medicated dandruff shampoos sold in drugstores. Look for products that contain pyrithione zinc, salicylic acid, tar, selenium sulfide, or ketoconazole. Use dandruff shampoo a few

Key points to know about IVF treatment

To become a mother is the one of the most cherished dreams of every woman. But of late it has been observed that many people suffer from infertility issues. By infertility we mean a health condition under which a woman fails to conceive by following the natural ways.   It is a fact that nobody can deny that to conceive the equal contribution of both male and female is required. Under such situations if any of them suffer from any issue related to heath then the chances of getting pregnant naturally diminishes.

Earlier due to lack of proper technology and outdated medical theories, it was not possible to detect the correct reason for the infertility. Nowadays, the improvements in science and technology have altered the entire gamut of medical science. Every day new innovations are being introduced into the medical science to improve its facilities. Infertility is one such cases in which medical science have shown remarkable results. By employing sophisticated technology, the exact case of infertility can be found out. This proper diagnosis facilitates correct treatment which ultimately brings the desired result.

Normally in case of women infertility is caused due to excessive stress, poor health, age, improper ovulation, blockage present in

Laser Fat Removal From The Body

You will find that exercise does a lot to remove unwanted body fat from problem areas. However, most of the time, the fat that you wish to remove is too stubborn to go and you have to resort to surgical procedures like laser fat removal techniques for the purpose. If you look at laser fat removal techniques, you will find that the body looks better and toned. One of the best cosmetic clinics in the USA- Sono Bello says that more men and women are turning to laser fat removal techniques to get a fitter and lean body.

Target unwanted fat from your body…

The laser fat removal procedure targets one area and you are able to reduce the body fat from it with success. When you are looking for laser fat removal techniques for your body, it is very important for you to consider the costs, the treatment plan, the recovery time period and more. You should also check the credentials of the surgeon or doctor and examine present and past photos of the clients that they have performed laser treatment on.

The best part of laser fat removal techniques are that you are able to get rid of the body

Gel Manicures May Raise Skin Cancer Risk

Who wouldn’t want beautiful nails that last for weeks? For many women, that’s the lure of gel manicures, which use a special polish formulation that produces a glossy, nearly indestructible finish. But dermatologists and other experts are concerned about one aspect of these popular manicures — the ultraviolet (UV) exposure it takes to produce those great results.

Gel manicures are applied in layers, with each layer “cured” or dried under a UV light finish (the same type of light used in tanning beds) for up to 10 minutes. Sunlight is a natural source of UV rays, which can damage skin cells and lead to premature aging and wrinkling — and cause skin cancer. Besides gel manicures, salons use UV lamps to dry traditional nail polish and set acrylic nails.

There’s not much research out there on the risks of UV nail lamps. But a 2009 case study published in the Archives of Dermatology reported on two women who developed non-melanoma skin cancer on their hands. Neither woman had a personal or family history of skin cancer, but one had been exposed to UV lights in a nail salon twice a month for 15 years. The second woman used UV nail lights eight

Donations made by Michael Telvi enterprise for the treatment of cardiac patients

In the present day world, the lifestyle and food habits of the people are changing and they are leading towards many health ailments and one of them is the cardiac failure. The heart is an important part of human body and is a multi-functioning organ too. But with the change in the living habits of the people, it can be seen that most of the people are found to be obese, which is the main reason for cardiac arrest. In this event, it becomes mandatory for the people to get medications on time but some people do not possess enough money to get the right treatment. So, Michael Telvi helps these people with donations and provision of high-quality drugs which can help in their treatment.

Getting updated about the cardiac illness

People are not aware of this illness in particular and nor with its symptoms but the cardiac related disease is mostly prevalent nowadays. But in the present time, many drugs are being experimented and developed for its cure and even people are getting benefited from them. Michael Telvi organization is also helping the people by providing them a complete insight into the cardiac treatment.

His enterprise and online web pages are

Your Rosacea Care Guide

Because rosacea can leave your skin inflamed and extremely sensitive, rosacea care requires patience and a gentle touch. Good skin care can help alleviate even your worst rosacea symptoms while improper skin care can worsen the disease.

The problem is in the stratum corneum, the topmost layer of skin. Rosacea patients have a fragile stratum corneum, which means that scrubbing and harsh cleansers will make matters worse.

“The word is ‘gently.’ I always tell my patients they should care for their skin like a fine silk scarf,” says Zoe Diana Draelos, MD, clinical and research dermatologist in private practice in High Point, N.C. and consulting professor at Duke University in Durham, N.C. Her simple and straightforward advice: “Treat skin gently, use a mild cleanser, let it air dry, don’t scrub, and don’t pull or stretch.”

Skin Care Products to Use — and Avoid 

Start with the right cleanser. “A gentle foaming face wash is a good idea,” Dr. Draelos says. “They contain synthetic detergents that provide a mild cleansing to the face.”


Other cleansing options include a gentle but non-foaming face wash or a mild soap. Your cleanser should be fragrance-free, as fragrance can cause an allergic

Mercury Poisoning Linked to Skin Products

Federal health officials are warning consumers not to use skin creams, beauty and antiseptic soaps, or lotions that might contain mercury.

The products are marketed as skin lighteners and anti-aging treatments that remove age spots, freckles, blemishes and wrinkles, says Gary Coody, national health fraud coordinator in the Food and Drug Administration’s Office of Regulatory Affairs. Adolescents also may use these products as acne treatments, adds Coody. Products with this toxic metal have been found in at least seven states.

The products are manufactured abroad and sold illegally in the United States — often in shops in Latino, Asian, African or Middle Eastern neighborhoods and online. Consumers may also have bought them in another country and brought them back to the U.S. for personal use.

“If you have a product that matches these descriptions (and others listed below), stop using it immediately,” says Coody.

Losing a Tattoo Gaining a Tumor

An unintended consequence of laser tattoo removal in a 29-year-old man was a diagnosis of malignant melanoma, according to a German case report.

The patient had sought laser treatment for a large, multicolored tattoo but refused initial excision of a nevus located within the pigmented area, reported Christian Raulin, MD, PhD, and colleagues from Laserklinik Karlsruhe in Karlsruhe, Germany.

The laser specialists had been unable to fully evaluate potential melanomatous changes in the nevus clinically because of the presence of black ink pigments, they explained online in JAMA Dermatology.

No significant abnormalities were seen on dermoscopy, however, so they proceeded with treatment. Because of the size of the tattoo — extending across the chest and both arms — numerous sessions were required. 

Throughout more than 7 years of treatments, the laser team repeated its recommendation that the nevus be removed, and finally, in late 2009, after 47 sessions, the specialists told the patient that no more treatments would be given without excision.


He finally acquiesced, and biopsy revealed a superficial malignant melanoma.


The patient was unwilling to have a further excision to achieve clear margins, but ultrasound of the lymph nodes

Sunburn May Help Rid Body of Radiation Damaged Cells

In examining exactly what happens when skin gets sunburned, researchers studying human skin cells and mice found that sunburn is the result of RNA damage.


The red and painful burn is an immune response triggered by this altered genetic material to remove sun-damaged cells, according to the study published in the July 8 online edition of Nature Medicine.

Researchers from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), suggested their findings could help scientists find a way to block this inflammatory process, which could have implications for a number of medical conditions and treatments, including psoriasis.

“For example, diseases like psoriasis are treated by UV [ultraviolet] light, but a big side effect is that this treatment increases the risk of skin cancer,” lead investigator Dr. Richard Gallo, a professor of medicine at UCSD and Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, said in a university news release. 

“Our discovery suggests a way to get the beneficial effects of UV therapy without actually exposing our patients to the harmful UV light. Also, some people have excess sensitivity to UV light, patients with lupus, for example. We are exploring if we can help them by blocking the pathway we discovered,”

Home Remedies for Red Skin

Various conditions can lead to irritated, red skin. Causes can range from a temporary sensitivity to a chronic skin problem. Common culprits of red skin or red spots include:

  • Dry skin
  • Sunburn
  • Rosacea
  • Acne
  • Allergic contact dermatitis
  • Eczema (atopic dermatitis)

Red skin may be bumpy or have an itchy, rash-like texture. For some people, particularly those with rosacea, redness may get worse by getting too hot or overly emotional.

Red skin can be hard to hide, but here are some simple home remedies you can try using ingredients you may already have on hand. 

Home Remedy: How to Tone Down Red Skin

Fran E. Cook-Bolden, MD, a dermatologist and director of the Skin Specialty Group and the Ethnic Skin Specialty Group in New York City, suggests that you can manage red skin with:

  • Honey
  • Cucumber
  • Chamomile tea bags (brewed)
  • Aloe vera

For instance, Dr. Cook-Bolden suggests placing cucumber slices directly on any red spots to cool, soothe, and reduce redness. Want more relief? She recommends making a simple mask by blending a cucumber and a cup of oatmeal.

Another home remedy Cook-Bolden likes for soothing red skin is a clay mask. Mix water or pureed fruit with facial clay to create a thick paste. Apply the mixture to

Stamp Out Toenail Fungus

A fungus can affect any part of the body, but the feet are especially vulnerable. When you wear socks and shoes and your feet sweat, you create a warm, moist environment that’s a perfect breeding ground for a nail fungus, says Oliver Zong, DPM, a podiatrist and director of surgery at NYC Footcare in New York City. If you tend to sweat heavily in general, you may be at greater risk of fungal infections, and if you develop the foot fungus commonly called athlete’s foot, it can also spread to your nails.

Toenail fungus is a condition podiatrists see quite often, says Dr. Zong. Though the signs are yellow nails that have a crumbly appearance, the problem goes deeper. The fungus invades the nail bed (the living skin under the nail) and the cuticle area, Zong explains. As the nail grows out, it becomes food for the fungus.

What can you do about it? First, create an environment that doesn’t allow toenail fungus to grow.

Toenail Fungus Prevention Strategies

The key to keeping toenail fungus away is to keep your feet clean and dry. Here’s how:

  • Practice good hygiene. Keeping feet clean by showering or bathing every day is the first step to avoiding toenail

Cold Sore Remedies

Cold sores are painful blisters that form on the lips or around the mouth.

They’re caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), one of the herpes viruses.

There’s no cure for cold sores — once you’re infected, the herpes virus stays in your body for life.

But most cold sores go away on their own within about two weeks.

First-time cold sores are often the most painful and last the longest. Future outbreaks of cold sores may be less severe.

There are a number of treatments that may be helpful if you have recurrent cold sores or if you have first-time cold sores that cause a lot of pain.

Medications for Cold Sores

Many people need medication the first time they have cold sores.

There are two classes of medications that can be used to treat cold sores:

Antivirals: These medicines help the body fight the herpes virus. They can help to reduce symptoms and make cold sores go away faster.

You’ll need a prescription from your doctor for most antiviral medications.

Antivirals come as both oral pills and skin creams.

Common antiviral medications used to treat cold sores include:

Zovirax (acyclovir)
Famvir (famciclovir)
Valtrex (valacyclovir)
Abreva (docosanol), which is sold over the counter
Antiviral medications work best when you start taking

How to Fade a Dark Mark

When you have acne, an infection, a rash, or some other skin problem, you’re probably anxious for it to clear up. Yet even after these complexion woes heal, they may leave a visible reminder that they were once there — a dark mark on your skin.

“Dark marks and scars are the result of inflammation and injury to the skin,” says Susan Massick, MD, a dermatologist with the Ohio State University Medical Center in Columbus. “This inflammation induces melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells of the skin, to produce more melanin, which results in darkening in the areas of inflammation. The dermatologic term for this is post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, or PIH.”

Older people may also experience dark marks from hyperpigmentation, commonly called liver spots or age spots, but these are related to sun exposure. 

Acne, the most common skin condition, is often to blame for hyperpigmentation. “When an acne pimple or blemish resolves, it can leave these dark marks,” says Dr. Massick. The hyperpigmented scars are not permanent, but they can be slow to fade. In fact, an acne mark may persist for as long as three to six months after the pimple has disappeared.


If you develop acne marks

The Beauty of Mineral Makeup

Mineral makeup has become popular for many reasons: It’s eco-friendly, looks good, and feels light on the face. And because TV infomercials and the celebrities who use and recommend it, mineral makeup has gotten a lot of media attention.

“Mineral makeup has been around for 30 years or more, but has recently regained popularity in the cosmetics industry,” says Scott Gerrish, MD, of Gerrish and Associates, PC, a nonsurgical skin care specialist with offices in Virginia and Maryland. “Mineral makeup was originally used by plastic surgeons and dermatologists on patients after cosmetic procedures to cover the redness and soreness.”

Is mineral makeup right for you? Read on to find out.

The Magic Behind Mineral Makeup 

Mineral makeup is made from pure, crushed minerals and will not cake on the skin: It allows the skin to breathe and gives you a lighter, more natural look than traditional makeup. “Mineral makeup comes in powdered, pressed, and liquid forms and has beneficial properties for your skin,” says Helga Surratt, President of About Faces Day Spa & Salon, in Towson, Md.


It is ideal for all skin types, all skin tones, and women of all ages. Mineral makeup looks great, feels