Organization & Operations

Board Organization & Operations

The Board of Directors are collectively responsible for OSI. Officers take responsibility for the overall direction of the Board's work. They are the President, Allison Randal, the Chief Financial Officer, Mike Milinkovich, the Assistant Treasurer, Stefano Zacchiroli, and the Secretary, Patrick Masson. Each is appointed by the Board annually. Together they form an Executive Committee that acts as the General Manager's supervisor including prioritising workload and appraising performance. The Executive Committee is also empowered to act as the Board between meetings in the event of urgent matters (including legal affairs, guided by the General Counsel) and sets the agenda for meetings of the Board.

  • The Board President serves as the chair of the Board and Executive Committee meetings, representing The OSI in official engagements or communications and overseeing unassigned portfolios.
  • The CFO (Treasurer) manages the financial affairs of The OSI including budgeting, management of the Board's comptroller and approval of expenditures.
  • The Assistant Treasurer acts on behalf of the CFO (Treasurer) as requested.
  • The Secretary manages the minutes and agendas of meetings of the Board; tracks portfolio charters and work plans to ensure they are current; tracks action items; facilitates Standing Committee meetings and their records; archives OSI, Board and Portfolio correspondence.

Board meetings take the form of a written paragraph summarising each portfolio activity which is offered for Q & A before votes on decisions. Decisions for voting are accompanied by sufficient working materials to allow the vote to be conducted without discussion in the event it is uncontested.

OSI Organization & Operations

OSI's mission is described and furthered through the management of portfolios, with a Board Director taking operational responsibility for one or more, serving as the Portfolio Manager. Each Portfolio Manager communicates regularly with the OSI General Manager (GM) to ensure he or she is fully equipped to deliver the portfolio responsibilities.

The scope of each portfolio, including any powers delegated to the Portfolio Manager by the Board, plus a work plan describing current goals for achieving the objectives, is briefly described below, with greater detail and current work available on the OSI wiki.


  • Individual Membership (recruitment, benefits, communication):Allison Randal
  • Affiliate Membership (recruitment, benefits, communication): Richard Fontana
  • Corporate Sponsorship (fund-raising and financial development): Mike Milinkovich
  • Education and Training (research, teaching and learning; professional development): Tony Wasserman
  • License Approval (approval process, community input & consensus, and reporting & recommendations): Luis Villa
  • Trademark Stewardship (awareness and infringement: Stefano Zacchiroli
  • Marketing (communications, events, public policy): Leslie Hawthorn
  • Infrastructure (technology services and systems): Bruno Souza
  • Incubator (working groups, special projects, new initiatives): Simon Phipps
  • OSI Identity (public relations, press): Deb Bryant

Standing Committees

  • Budget Committee
    Chair, CFO/Treasurer
    Responsible for budget approval for portfolios, income management and staff compensation.
  • Membership Committee
    Chair: Individual Membership Portfolio Manager
    Representing the Individual, Affiliate, Corporate and Education Portfolios
  • Advocacy Committee
    Chair, Identity Portfolio Manager
    Representing the Trademarks, Education, Marketing and License Portfolios
  • Election Committee
    Chair: President
  • Staffing Committee
    Chair: President

Staff Organization & Operations

The role of the GM is to, 1. manage the day-to-day affairs of OSI at the direction of the Board, and 2. undertake action(s) delegated or assigned at the direction of the Board, an Officer or Portfolio Manager, and 3. manage volunteers and interns.

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