UNDP Romania - press releases                     United Nations Development Programme  Romania          Home About  UN System in Romania UNDP in the World UNDP in Romania Legal Framework and Management   Focus Areas  Social Inclusion Promotion and Protection of Global Public Goods International Development Cooperation   Our Work  Projects Database Partners and Donors   Operations  IPSAS Employment Opportunities Tender Announcements Human Resources Finance Procurement   MDGs  MDGs in Romania Basic Facts about MDGs   Rio+20 Media Room  News Newsletters Press releases Publications Press Clips Movie Clips   Contact            Millennium Development Goals for Romania  Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger   Achieve universal primary education   Promote gender equality and empower women   Reduce child mortality   Improve maternal health   Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases   Ensure environmental sustainability   Develop a global partnership for development  Related UN Links   UN Romania UN Information Center Bucharest UN Global UNDP Global UNDP Europe and CIS MDG Monitor UN Global Compact UN Correspondents Association      UNDP Romania Press Releases  24.10.2014UNITED NATIONS DAY 2014 CELEBRATED IN ROMANIA


 The United Nations in Romania in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs celebrated the United Nations Day 2014. More than 100 representatives of the Romanian Government and Parliament, central authorities, ambassadors, key opinion leaders, representatives of academia, corporate sector, NGO’s and media attended the event hosted by the Romanian Diplomatic Institute.

 The United Nations Day – 24 October - has been celebrated since 1948 to mark the anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Charter in 1945. With the ratification of this founding document by the majority of its signatories, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, the United Nations officially came into being.

 “The United Nations is needed more than ever at this time of multiple crises. [...] At this critical moment, let us reaffirm our commitment to empowering the marginalized and vulnerable. On United Nations Day, I call on Governments and individuals to work in common cause for the common good”, said UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon.

 Romania joined the UN in 1955 and the first UN agency opened an office in Bucharest in 1970. The partnership between the UN and Romania has been longstanding and fruitful.

 “Romania, as a democratic and peaceful country, and as an EU Member State, has an important role to play in promoting the values enshrined in the UN Charter. The participation of the Prime Minister in the General Assembly last September is a symbol of Romania’s strong commitment to the principles of the UN”, declared Sandie Blanchet, Acting UN Resident Coordinator and UNICEF Representative.

 The UN Country team members – the IMF, IOM, UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, the World Bank and WHO - support Romania’s reforms to promote the social inclusion of vulnerable people (including very poor people, Roma people, children, people with disabilities, migrants and refugees); better access to quality health, education and social protection services; a more sustainable use of natural resources; stronger governance and human rights observance –among others.

 Next year will be of particular importance for several reasons:

  Celebration of 70 years of partnership between Romania and the UN; Counties will report on progress against the Millennium Development Goals; The UN will adopt the post-2015 agenda. It will be the first time that the world endorses a truly universal agenda that addresses all the dimensions of sustainable development: social, economic and environmental.  The expected adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals in September 2015 will be an important landmark that will galvanize the partnership between Romania and the UN, both in the country and beyond its borders.


  05.09.2012 UNDP Publication lunch: Empowering Lives, Building Resilience

  25.07.2012UNDP and Ministry of Justice Launch UNCAC Self-Assessment Exercise  13.07.2012 Roma resettlement and housing and inclusion programme in Pata Rat is needed

  07.05.2012 Training Courses on Social Responsibility

  13.04.2012 Housing and inclusion of disadvantaged Roma - Cluj pilot initiative

  26.03.2012 Eastern Europe and Central Asia should transition toward sustainable development now or pay more in the future

  01.02.2012 Press Release Opening Conference SEMRomania Project (PDF, 384 kb) Comunicat de presa conferinta lansare raport deschidere ES proiect SEMRomania (PDF, 397 kb)

  15.12.2011 National competition for the selection of Romanian SME's to benefit from technical assistance in integrating CSR principles in the business strategy

  07.12.2009 The first visit to Romania of HRH CROWN PRINCE HAAKON OF NORWAY as UNDP Goodwill ambassador - “Kapuscinski Lectures”

  20.02.2009UN To Mark First World Day of Social Justice

  10.02.2009Romanian funded UNDP project in the Republic of Moldova wins international recognition


  21.10.2008UN Assistant Secretary-General, UNDP Assistant Administrator makes first visit to Bucharest

  09.10.2008UNDP, Coca-Cola Romania leverage 2,5 million Euro for Dorna Candernilor infrastructure and waste water management

  17.09.2008 UNDP, MFA, the French Embassy in Bucharest and the French Alliance in Brasov to launch the exhibition "Together for 2015/ Huit Fois Oui" – "De 8 ori Da!". Press Release ODA-Expo Brasov

  11.09.2008Small Grants Programme Deadline for 2008 cycle Soon to Close

  02.07.2008National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Romania Horizon 2012-2020-2030 Released for Final Comments

  07.05.2008 Every Drop Matters Project Announced Its Results

  27.11.2007 2007 HDR: Iceland now leads annual United Nations Index Press Release HDR 2007 OECD countries fall short of their commitments to fight climate change Wealthier nations should lead emission cuts The 2007 Human Development Report calls for 80 percent emission cuts by 2050

  22.10.2007 It's time to help others - MDGs Debates

  17.10.2007 Ronaldo and Zidane thank you for eradicating poverty in the UNDP spot

  13.07.2007 National Human Development Report 2007

  11.03.2007 UNDP's Mandate - Rosia Montana

  01.02.1972 UNDP Open Office in Romania

    News08 July 2016Call for Communications and Advocacy Projects and Activities in the Field of Development Cooperation

08 June 2015Results of the EYD2015 communication and development education grant programme

02 March 2015“Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities” Competition Results

29 January 2015UNDP Launches Competition: “Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities”

18 November 2014ESCOs in Romania - a solution to a wider accessibility to energy efficiency measures especially in poor areas

Openings and AnnouncementsEurope & CIS VacanciesEurope & CIS Procurement NoticesNewsletters24 September 2012 CSR Newsletter September 10 - 16, 2012 Haberler

18 September 2012 CSR Newsletter September 1-9, 2012

31 August 2012  CSR Newsletter August 1-31, 2012

16 July 2012 CSR Newsletter July 9 - 15, 2012

09 July 2012 CSR Newsletter July 2 - 8, 2012

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