'Beautiful' waiter's random act of kindness makes mum's day

Pixie and her friend.
Pixie and her friend.  Photo: Facebook/Katie Dee

Eating out with little kids can be a bit of a challenge, so when a waiter went above and beyond the call of duty to cater for a toddler, her mother took to Facebook to say a very public 'thank you'. 

Katie Dee explained that she had met friends at a pizza restaurant, her daughter Pixie in tow. The youngster was excited at the prospect of a Mickey Mouse-shaped pizza and ordered it herself straight away.

But the waiter obviously made an impression on Pixie. "I'm gossiping away with my buds and Pixie says, 'Mummy, where's that beautiful man gone?' Her words not mine!" recalls Dee in her post.

When the waiter came back with Pixie's Mickey Mouse pizza, her face lit up with delight. The helpful waiter even cut up the pizza into "Pixie sized" bites because the little one asked him to.

The waiters attentiveness didn't stop there. "This guy came back to check on Pixie every 10 minutes. By this point he's not even our waiter anymore ... the place is getting busy, yet he comes back just to tell her how brilliant her colouring is - perfect timing! (She's about to have a meltdown because she went over the lines)."

Then, just as Dee was struggling to keep Pixie entertained long enough to eat her own dinner, the helpful waiter came to the rescue again.

"All this time my food is going cold, I've barely spoken to my friends ... and lo and behold over comes this hero who seemed to sense my hunger (perfect timing again) and asks Pixie if she would like to eat with him at the next table."

As if all this wasn't enough, he then gave her a bowl of ice cream and sat with her as she ate it.

The grateful mum explained that having 10 minutes alone with her friends was heavenly. "My food was still hot (ish!), no drinks got spilt which is a record, all toddler meltdowns were avoided, and most of all my little girl had the biggest smile on her face all night," she says.

Posting the story to Facebook along with a couple of photos of her daughter sitting with the "beautiful man", Dee writes that it's good to know that there are still people in that make the world a better place.

"Thank you to the waiter at Dough, for taking my 2 year old on her first date, thank you for letting a busy mum have her dinner in peace, thank you for making sure my little one felt like a princess, and thank you for going above and beyond your job for a little girl who you've never met before," she says.

After the post was shared hundreds of times Dee added a postscript: the waiter had been found and thanked again in person.

The post attracted thousands of likes and reactions and was shared around the world. Unsurprisingly, people have been praising the anonymous waiter in the comments.

"Now that's a wonderful thing he did. Goes to show you there are people out there that do care and do wonders for others," one person wrote.

"Your waiter did go above and beyond. Random acts of kindness are the way to live and give," wrote another commenter.

"So how about we follow his example and pass it on."