Baby Sleep


Justine Davies

Co-sleeping with baby – and dog?

My husband and I are expecting our first baby in a couple of months. We are going to co-sleep with her for at least the first six months as I believe that is the most natural and best way for her to feel safe and to bond with us. However our beloved family dog also sleeps on our bed. What should we do?

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Tuck in bedding securely, so that it is not loose and could cover their face

Safe sleeping for children up to two years of age

Information for parents and caregivers - Simple strategies such as sleeping infants on their backs, can result in extremely successful outcomes in the reduction of deaths such as those attributed to SIDS.

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Ten tips to get bub (and you) a good night's sleep!

Save your sanity, get more sleep!

Whether you have a ‘wakeful’ baby, a newborn or are experiencing a phase of bad sleep… there are times when you’d mortgage the house and give away your husband for a block of uninterrupted sleep. Read our tips on products that helped EB members get some sleep.

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Twins: Sleeping

Newborn babies, regardless of whether they are singletons, twins, triplets, quads… or sextuplets (those Mums are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G) sleep, on average, about 16-18 hours per day, broken by feeds. The main difficulty, and joy, with twins is that there are two babies.

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The sleep whisperer

Australian baby whisperer Sheyne Rowley explains how you to can become a baby whisperer and say goodbye to sleep time dramas for good.

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mum and baby

Naps improve night sleep

According to sleep research, and motherly experience, the length and the quality of naps affect night time sleep.

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Wonderful sounds for sleep

Research indicates that "white noise" sounds or soft bedtime music helps many babies to relax and fall asleep more easily.

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Sleep through the night

If your little one is waking you up every hour or two, you don't have to think long on the question, 'is this disruptive to me?'

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Co-sleeping - making it work

Sharing sleep is very popular with parents of young babies who wake throughout the night, since it allows parents to avoid getting up out of bed and travelling up and down a dark hallway.

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