Baby Sleep


"Healthy foods" may be causing sleep problems.

Is food keeping your baby (and you) awake?

There are a number of reasons for babies to start waking more often during the night, but checking your child's diet for the naturally occurring chemical salicylate can have a big impact on everyone's sleep.

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Jen and Gus

Sleep schools and the science of settling

Most parents who attend sleep schools with their babies are at their wit’s end. The centres help shell-shocked parents cope with the many confounding aspects of babies and toddlers, from unsettled nights to challenging behaviour.

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baby sleep

Baby sleep: what's working for us

I always thought this kind of thing wasn't for me - or for us. However, with Jasmin, I honestly couldn't see any other way of making things change.

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When sleep training goes wrong

Although sleep training seemed to be a success for Alice’s first baby, the experience with her second baby was vastly different – and so was the outcome.

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sleep baby

How a week at sleep school changed my life

I’m sure I knew to expect sleep deprivation and stress, but the reality of having a baby who didn’t sleep was one of the most isolating and exhausting experiences of my life.

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Research now provides evidence that singing lullabies actually lowers babies’ anxiety, heart rates and perception of pain.

Study: Singing soothes babies’ pain

Most of us probably sing to our babies to soothe them, or to help them sleep. But a new story shows that it's doing other good things for them, too.

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