
How La La Land producer Jordan Horowitz became the Oscar fiasco's humble hero

By now, we've all GIFed and re-GIFed the ridiculous final moments of yesterday's Oscars like it's the new Zapruder film.

There's Warren Beatty's confused fumbling, a silent cry for help to the off-stage powers that be.

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The 87th Academy Awards end with a major bungle as La La Land is wrongly announced as winning best picture instead of Moonlight. Vision courtesy A.M.P.A.S.

There's Faye Dunaway's excitable exclamation, setting the sorry saga into motion.

There's the Academy's unfortunate lackey, shuffling onstage behind La La Land's celebratory crew, awkwardly handing over a new envelope to let them know there's been an embarrassing mistake.

There's Emma Stone mouthing "Oh my god, oh my god..." like she's watching stray bears – or, I dunno, Casey Affleck – mauling at Ryan Gosling's face on the other side of the stage.

And then there's Jordan Horowitz, La La Land's humble producer, who furiously snatches the winning envelope out of Warren Beatty's stunned hands and sets the story straight.   


"No, there's a mistake – Moonlight, you guys won Best Picture," he said, commandeering the mic and pointing to director Barry Jenkins and his stunned team.

It seemed like an Adele-Beyonce moment from the recent Grammys. You know, a "We won, but you probably deserved to win. I share this with you..." kind of moment.

That's no doubt how Jenkins first read it, judging from his muted reaction. But Horowitz wasn't just being nice.

"This is not a joke," he said, showing the official card to the stunned room, the cameras, and the worldwide audience, avoiding what might've been endless conspiracy theories and the kind of ugly gossip that plagued Marisa Tomei's Best Supporting Actress win in 1993.   

"I'm going to be really proud to hand this to my friends from Moonlight," he said onstage, personally delivering the statue to Jenkins with a solid hug.

The 36-year-old producer has been understandably praised by both his peers and online commentators – "a champion for truth" in Trump's "fake news" America, the Washington Post grandly called him – for his actions during the astounding gaffe.

"It was this slow, steady realisation that something wasn't right. It needed to be corrected, so we jumped in and did it," he later said.

"I wanted to make sure that the right thing was done, because, you know, at that point it was not about me.

"I want to make sure that we're all talking about the fact that a $1.5 million picture about gay black youth in America won Best Picture at the Academy Awards. That's a pretty sensational thing."

That's some wonderful clarity and good-guy chops in what must've been a moment of utter confusion and disappointment.

"Jordan Horowitz. Wow. I'm slipping slowly into reflection, perspective. Much respect to that dude," Jenkins later tweeted.

Horowitz's actions were even more admirable in contrast with his co-producer Fred Berger, like two sides of a bald-headed coin.

As eagle eyes noted, Berger was the first to take wind of the mistake, quickly mouthing "We lost" to Horowitz. Knowing this, he somehow still took the mic to offer a few personal thank yous for the "win", before casually backing away with an awkward "We lost, by the way".

To be told you've lost, that there was a genuine cock-up, and yet have the gall to deliver your acceptance speech as if nothing's wrong? That's a peculiar type of entitlement, no matter the chaos of the moment.

Of course, it must be noted that thanks to a couple of dopey accountants, Moonlight's team were denied their crowning moment in the spotlight and the chance to deliver a heartfelt message to the "little black boys and brown girls and other people watching at home who feel marginalised", only partly articulated following the gaffe.

Meanwhile, I've spent an entire column discussing the virtues of some rich, 30-something white dude.

Still, on Hollywood's biggest night of pompous self-congratulating, it's worth singling out such a moment of sincere humility, honesty and casual unity.

Or as one tweeter simply put it, "Be a Horowitz, not a Berger".