“The urge to destroy is also a creative urge.” ― Pablo Picasso

29dec16. Miami, FL.


I took a walk through Miami’s “Little Havana” neighborhood last week. Little Havana is the best known neighborhood for Cuban exiles in the world. 

Miami-based artist Chytea served as my tour guide.

People playing dominos in Little Havana’s famous Máximo Gómez Park. Dominos is a popular game in Cuban culture, and the park is famous for its many domino players who meet daily in the park.

29dec16. Miami, FL.



Born and raised: Connecticut to a Jamaican father and Caucasian mother. 

Creativity springs from: Musician father (guitar) and artist mother.

As a child, the debate between his parents was always whether Chy would pick up a guitar or a paintbrush.

Answer: As soon as he could pick up a pen, drawing became his passion.

Relocated to Miami: 2012

At about 14, he discovered spray paint and began writing basic tags of “Blue” and “Joker.” He started his street presence as a member of the TNB crew.                                                                                                                                             

In the studio:

TOKIDOKI: What is a Mitrooper? 

Chytea: “It’s a reflection of myself; the things I’ve trooped through and gotten past. I know for a fact that the universe will only give you as much as you can handle. So you just have to keep on troopin’.”

Work in progress for an upcoming show.

TOKIDOKI: Where did Mitrooper come from?

Chytea: Inspired by the Star Wars Stormtrooper. “I initially sketched him back in 2010, almost like just a doodle in my sketchbook, and didn’t think too much about it at the time. Then, when I got to Miami in 2012 and was having my mind blown by everything on the streets, seeing big murals for the first time, and quickly coming to the realization that having a signature character is ‘where it’s at,’ I decided I needed my own character. So, I just started looking through all of my old sketchbooks and Mitrooper was there from 2010. And I just said ‘Yes, that’s it!’ And from then on, I just started throwing Mitrooper up all over the streets of Miami.”

Mitrooper on the streets of Miami:

His first tag in Miami from back in 2012 when he was still Blue.”

“Grouper Trooper” still going strong since 2014.

Can you spot the Mitrooper in this Ruben piece at Yo Space?

TOKIDOKI: Mitrooper. Pronounced “Mee-trooper.” Why is it spelled with an ‘i,’ then?

Chytea: “Because ‘Me’ in Jamaican is spelt “Mi.”

First ever Mitrooper sticker.
The tattoo.
His ‘chill’ place.
Mitrooper is reflected everywhere.

TOKIDOKI: You’re international, mate.

Chytea: “Yes. Mitroopers are in Belgium, France, Spain, The Netherlands, and Jamaica.”

First ever Mitroopers street piece. Hartford, CT. Photo: Chytea

Mitrooper philosophy explained:

You can follow the Mitrooper evolution on Instagram @mitroopers 


Having lunch in Little Havana.
There’s a reason a light emanates from this guy’s chest…good soul, good vibes.

Sincerest thanks to Chytea for an incredibly enlightening day.

Peace and best wishes for constant evolution in 2017.

29dec16. Miami, FL.

Mitrooper ‘third eye’ in collaboration with Barcelona’s Konair.
Recent piece with Konair for Art Basel 2016. The evolution is upon us…


Built in 1963 by a then-28 year old immigrant from Cuba, Hilario Candela, it was the first stadium designed specifically for powerboat racing in the United States. Over the years, it has fallen into disrepair, but good news, Gloria Estefan is behind the push to renovate it and bring it back to its former glory!

Note: We entered at our own risk. People are NOT ALLOWED to just visit it and walk around. You will be met by angry work crews telling you to get out and security that will tell you that you can’t take any photos. 

Do it the right way: We were told that you can get a ‘visitors pass’ from a city department somewhere. I guess, just google it. 

Walking around with Miami-based, international street artist, Chytea:

29dec16. Miami, FL.