Interviews, conversations, and collections of stories celebrating the best of WordPress
  1. Fashionable and Confident Over 40: When the Girls Rule

    Julia Millies took on “her look” just like any design project. Now she shares the fabulous results at When the Girls Rule.

    Julia Millies of When the Girls Rule
  2. Five on Film: The Role of Cinema in 2017

    Five lovers of film share their insights on the role of cinema.

    Photo by Kenneth Lu (CC BY 2.0)
  3. Is One Really the Loneliest Number? Five Bloggers on the Virtues of Solitude

    Five bloggers on the virtues of alone time, with photos from our recent “Solitude” challenge.

    Personal Musings
    A man sits alone in a church in Cremona, Italy. Photo by Marcus Puschmann at Streets of Nuremberg.
  4. Back to Your Roots: Blogging About Genealogy and Family History

    Genealogists are coming together this week at RootsTech, a conference exploring family history and technology. Here’s a look at a few genealogy blogs on WordPress.com.

    Photo by Patricia Greber, My Genealogy Life.
  5. “Toronto is Where the World Lives”: Meet Photographer Ryan Bolton

    See Toronto — and the world — through the lens of Ryan Bolton.

    A night shot of the historic Gooderham Building in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, by Ryan Bolton.
  6. “I Write Because…”: Six Bloggers on Finding Inspiration for Their Sites

    Bloggers reflect on what drives them to hit the “Publish” button time and again.

  7. Why We March: Reflections from Women’s Marches

    Millions of people marched on January 21, 2017, to oppose the new Trump administration in the US — and wrote about (or photographed or sketched) the experience.

    Current Events
    The National Mall in Washington, D.C., during the Women's March on Washington (photo from four twenty nine).
  8. A Dash of Color: Four Crafts and DIY Blogs to Explore

    From homemade toys to party decorations, these sites inspire visitors to add a touch of whimsy (and good design) to their everyday lives.


    No-sew masks by Flax & Twine.

  9. Telling Story, Sharing Light: A Roundtable Discussion with the Women of Tea&Bannock

    Tea&Bannock is a supportive community celebrating life through the Indigenous gaze. Meet the seven artists behind it.

    Photo by Tenille Campbell.
  10. Your Digital Diet in 2017: On Blogging, Reading, and Social Media

    Writers comment on consumption, social media routines, blogging, and reading.

    Illustration by Michael Byers
  11. “I Once Had Promises to Keep”: Six Takes On the New Year

    Six bloggers navigate the transition from 2016 to 2017 with poetry, illustration, photography, and more.

    Personal Musings
  12. Building an Online Home: The Hub of a Science Journalist

    Explore the website of Julia Rosen, a freelance science journalist.

    Photo courtesy of Julia Rosen
  13. A Glimpse into 2017: You and Your Site in the New Year (Part III)

    Another set of bloggers share their resolutions and plans for 2017.

  14. A Glimpse into 2017: You and Your Site in the New Year (Part I)

    Community members at WordPress.com share their goals and plans for the New Year.

  15. The Power of Words: A Selection of Poetry from 2016

    Journal and zine editors share some of the powerful work they shared in the past year.


    "teasel in b&w," by PaulaB at The Temenos Journal.

  16. Living Out Loud in 2016: A Roundup of Art

    Explore collage, watercolor, sculpture, textiles and more as we celebrate art in 2016.

    Westbourne Green, London, England. From Sticks in the Smoke by Nick Andrew.
  17. One World, Many Angles: A Selection of Images from 2016

    A small selection of notable photographers and their work on WordPress.com, published in 2016.

    Photo Essay
    Capturing movement in Agra, India. Photo by John Meehan at Adjunctive.
  18. “We Need to Be Braver”: Voices for Diversity in 2016

    The past year has seen its share of struggles — and of important, tough conversations.


    Protesters after a rally against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Photo courtesy of NativeinDC, from "We Are What Our Ancestors Prayed For."

  19. We Laughed, We Cried, We Felt: The Posts We Loved in 2016

    Curl up with some tea and a comfy blanket, and revisit our favorite reads.

  20. The Posts That Moved Us in 2016: Current Events

    A selection of powerful writing that came out of the year’s tragedies and conflicts.

    Demonstration in London, March 2016. Photo by Ron F. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).
  21. An “Open Apology” Gone Viral: Amy Rawe on Blogging, Community, and Dolly Parton

    A blogger reflects on a post read by millions in the short span of four days.

    Image by Kristopher Harris (CC BY 2.0).
  22. Gone But Never Forgotten: An Interview with Author Alexandra Shimo

    Author Alexandra Shimo suffered post traumatic stress disorder after visiting Kashechewan, a Canadian fly-in reserve.

    Alexandra Shimo on arrival in Kashechewan, Ontario.
  23. Building an Online Home: A Historical Fiction Writer’s Customized Author Hub

    Novelist Julian Stockwin uses the Profile theme for his personalized author hub.

    The front page of Julian Stockwin's website, which uses the Profile theme.
  24. Where the Big Ones Don’t Get Away: A Q&A with Fishing Enthusiast Ashley Rae

    Fishing enthusiast Ashley Rae talks about her passion and how blogging has helped her connect with anglers around the world.

    All photos courtesy of Ashley Rae.
  25. No Longer Anonymous: Alexis Kanda-Olmstead Overcomes the Terror of the Publish Button

    Alexis Kanda-Olmstead talks about her blog’s origin story, her inspirations, and Blogging University.
