1. Huck Magazine

    From surf and skateboard culture to music, art, and activism, Huck Magazine shares stories from the people on the countercultural frontlines.

  2. Portrait of an Eternal Romantic

    Love is blind, but can it also be deaf? A tale of romance, salad, and misophonia (aka, the aural sensitivity that causes some people to fly into a rage at the sound of chewing).

  3. One day he went to an orthodontist, paid in advance, and sent a note home to her parents suggesting they get her braces, all expenses paid. One day she showed up on the bus and beamed her sparkly new braces at him, and handed him a pie that her mother had made.

  4. Art
  5. The Big Idea: Chuck Wendig

    John Scalzi interviews Chuck Wendig about his new Miriam Black novel on The Big Idea: “When Chuck Wendig is not drinking Febreeze smoothies or arguing with people about their burrito choices, he writes books!”

  6. “To write feels like violence. All of us are mortal, but the text can survive long after its author: who are you, fleshy and contingent thing, who wants to live forever? To write is to stain clean paper, press sticks in smooth clay; in some sense always, to deform the world.”

  7. The Nordic Light

    Get a glimpse of life and nature in Scandinavia on the photography blog of Inger and Tor Vaa Eriksen, a husband-and-wife team with a passion for the outdoors.

  8. fourth generation farmgirl

    On her farming-and-lifestyle blog, Virginia-based Tonya shares tips on raising chickens and sheep, talks wine and travel, and tells stories from her daily life.

  9. “I honestly believed at the beginning of my memoir journey that writing my story would enable me to let it go. Leave it behind me somewhere. I was secretly hoping these writers would confirm this belief. They didn’t.”

  10. bug bug book reviews

    No matter how exhausted mom of three Lorilin gets, she always finds time to read! On bug bug book reviews, she reviews her favorites (and not-so-favorites), with a focus on fiction, memoir, and wellness.

  11. Homeless daughters of a hybrid diaspora

    “Can you imagine being told from the moment you comprehend it that these four walls you call home, this shelter above your head, this comfort you look forward to each time you return from school or mosque, is not yours?” Zoya Kubra, currently based in Qatar, reflects on male privilege and gender inequality.

  12. Photography
  13. creartfuldodger

    Canadian artist Wilma Millette tells stories through collage and mixed media art, using found objects, old ephemera, photos, and other treasures from her “junk collection.”

  14. Letter to a Christian Climate Skeptic

    A thorough, well-reasoned, and data-supported response to American Christians who deny the reality of climate change, from theologian and scholar W. Bradford Littlejohn.

    Current Events
    Drought land
  15. What the Nobility of Policing Requires

    A retired police sergeant on the need for the force to police itself more effectively: “Whether it’s a willful blind eye or an increasing tendency to conjure up some false equivalency in our collective hearts, we have created a situation where bad behavior lives within our ranks.”

    Current Events
  16. The Better Places

    Three editors — from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland — share their personal travel stories and recommendations about where to go, what to eat, and where to stay. “It’s about great food, hotspots, hotels, bars, design, and culture.”

  17. What do I tell my daughter, Mr. President?

    Marlo Mack wants answers from President Trump: “I keep it vague. ‘Some people are scared of transgender people.’ ‘But why, Mama?’ she asks. ‘What’s scary about me?’ The car gets very quiet. I don’t have an answer. Do you, Mr. President?”

    Photo by Marlo Mack
  18. All the light they make me see

    Author Kausambhi writes on the “vade mecums” — (Latin vāde mēcum, go with me] — the four critical books of poetry and prose that light the way forward.

    Photo by glasseyes view (CC BY-SA 2.0)
  19. What we neglect when the children are young

    “But what nobody told me while my house was falling apart is that I would start to see clearly again, how this particular fog would lift.” At Motherwell, Lauren Apfel reflects on reclaiming her body — and her house — once on the other side of pre-schoolhood.

  20. Broken Pencil Magazine

    Since 1995, Broken Pencil has been a mega-zine dedicated exclusively to exploring independent creativity, featuring zine and small press book reviews, comics, underground press excerpts, interviews, original fiction, and commentary.

  21. Who we are in the moment

    “We should strive to be the best version of ourselves at all times.” Reflecting on the bizarre end to Sunday’s Academy Awards ceremony, Alec Nevala-Lee writes about the things we say in public in an age where a single tweet can ruin your life.

  22. Food
  23. Oren’s, West 112th Street

    Musician Parker Ramsay ties together architecture, music performance, algebra, punctuation, and coming of age in a lovely personal essay inspired by his time playing the organ in English cathedrals.

  24. Bill Hayes

    Browse the website of Bill Hayes: author, essayist, photographer, and lover of the late Dr. Oliver Sacks.

  25. Art
    Photo by Jacqueline M. Hadel