The best content on WordPress, collected for you by humans who love to read.

Millions of people use WordPress, from brand-new bloggers to small magazines to major publications. At Discover, we highlight the work of this diverse and global community.

  • Each day, you’ll find new picks on the front page: the latest posts from your favorite bloggers, must-reads of the day, and work from undiscovered writers.
  • We highlight people who use WordPress to share their extraordinary stories and projects, from interviews with authors to conversations with artists.
  • What are you passionate about? Explore our archive of popular topics, from parenting to travel and diversity to identity.
  • Meet the Editors

    We're readers. We're writers. We're Automatticians. We’re a small editorial team that recommends posts and stories we've loved on the web. We work on projects across, such as Longreads, The Daily Post, and Blogging University.
  • Submissions

    We promote all types of content — from writing to photography and art to poetry, from personal blogs to publications. All genres and styles. All word counts. All flavors of WordPress:, Jetpack, and self-hosted WordPress sites.

    Please read our guidelines and browse Discover to get a sense of what we share. We feature several picks daily — a small sampling among the millions of posts published each day. If you’d like to recommend an excellent post you've read or nominate your best piece of work, please use this form. While we can't respond to everyone, we'll notify you if we select your work.