“I Write Because…”: Six Bloggers on Finding Inspiration for Their Sites

We often hear from members of the WordPress.com community who tell us how their sites came to be — and what drives them to continue publishing. Here are six bloggers, both veteran and new, explaining their passion in their own words.

Feminine Vestige

What inspires me as a blogger is the ability to reach people on a real and fundamental level that I can’t do in my everyday life. I wrote a poem in response to a Daily Prompt about feminism. It was very personal and I felt powerful and vulnerable while I wrote it. I received a comment on it that validated every single reason why I wanted to start blogging in the first place. A man commented, “I may not be a woman, but having read what you have written, I feel I am, or should be, a feminist.” It was my proudest blogging moment.

Cappuccino Connected

Blogging gives me a voice I wouldn’t normally have beyond the realm of cyberspace. Yes, I have an online identity within social media where I interact with others. What I didn’t have was a unique way to say, “Hey, stop for a second and read what I have to say, see what I have to share.” I’m inspired by so many other bloggers and how they develop and evolve.


As any other blogger, I get inspired by that dot on the notifications bell icon. It makes me immensely happy when people find their lives relatable to mine, and become happy by reading my articles or poetry. My recent poem got appreciated which inspired me so much.

Truths My Sisters Told

As a person who lives with mental illness, I know that there are not enough forums for open conversation regarding the stigmas surrounding it. I hope to change that through sharing my personal experiences and struggles on the path to recovery.

You Him and Her

My first published article was in response to the Superpower Discover Challenge. I didn’t expect anyone to like it, comment, or follow my blog because of it, but I definitely hoped it may give someone a different outlook on my superpower, which is forgiveness. I received a comment from one lady who said that she was reading it at 4 A.M. and it gave her goosebumps. After I read that, I knew I had to keep writing and that someone, somewhere, will be impacted.

Akshita Jaiswal

As a fashion and lifestyle blogger, the ever-changing colors and textures inspire me to know more and pen down my thoughts. Writing about fashion or life is like meditation for me — it makes me excited and calm at the same time, and brings with it a dose of energy every day.

What drives you to publish your posts? Share your take in the comments, or leave us a note at The Daily Post.

January 30, 2017Inspiration, Personal Musings, Writing, ,