
Toddler Development

Prince George was happy to hold dad's hand.

Why more strangers should be like Justin Trudeau

Yes, we've all been there. Whether it's an acquaintance, a random person in a shop or a beloved grandparent, all kids have moments of not wanting to provide a requested high five, cuddle or kiss.

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Life with a Toddler

Toilet Training


Toilet training from birth? It is possible

This method, called elimination communication (EC or assisted infant toilet training), is becoming increasingly popular in the West.

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Some children have trouble toilet training because they are afraid of the toilet.

When toilet training doesn't go to plan

The books make it seem easy. You start toilet training, and within a few weeks, your child is no longer wearing nappies. In reality, things don't always go as planned.

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Toddler Health


Summer berry smoothie for toddlers

For fussy eaters, smoothies can be a fun way to engage in the snack-creation process whilst also incorporating an array of nutrients important for children's development.

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Education & Play

Toddler Products
