

Welcome, little one ... Kiran and her new daughter after her caesarean birth.

My planned caesarean

I know my decision won't be popular, but I believe that every woman has the right to choose how they have their baby. And my caesarean gave me the most control over how I felt about my body and my child's birth.

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Audrey Tamburini.

Caesareans up, but not at this hospital

Previously unreleased figures from the NSW Ministry of Health show the state caesarean rate rose to 31.3 per cent of women in 2011, but one hospital is bucking that trend.

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Elective caesarean birth

Could a caesarean birth make your baby sick?

Babies born by caesarean are much more likely to be admitted to hospital with gastrointestinal disease or chest infections in their first year of life than those born naturally, a study of NSW births has found.

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