Bernie Sanders

Socialist Dog Catchers (or Presidents) Won’t Save Us

With Bernie Sanders entering the race to be the Democratic candidate for the 2020 election, Pádraig Sinjun discusses whether diverting resources from grassroots struggles to electoral campaigning is really the way to pursue class struggle.

Why We are Occupying Bernie Sander's Burlington Office (1999)

1990 press release from the Anti War Action Group on their occupation of Bernie Sanders' Burlington office over his support for the first Iraq war and the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

1996-8: Sierra Blanca Community Opposes Nuclear Waste Site

History of the campaign against building a nuclear waste disposal site in a Texan town. The campaign was notably in that it mobilised people across the US and Mexico and that the $55 million deal was supported by State Governor George W. Bush, President Bill Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

The Texas-Vermont-Maine nuclear dump: bringing environmental racism home

Article from 1998 on the dumping of nuclear waste from Vermont and Maine in Texas. The article details the involvement of Bernie Sanders in sponsoring the bill that led to the dump being authorized.

The Bernie Sanders Paradox: When Socialism Grows Old

Murray Bookchin's 1986 article analyzing Bernie Sanders' Burlington Vermont mayoral campaign and the aftermath is equally relevant in relation to his 2016 presidential campaign. Also includes a response from Brian Higgins and rejoinder from Murry Bookchin from the next issue.

Sanders campaign reaches its climax

On Bernie Sanders' announcement of support for Hillary Clinton.

Debs: the last presidential candidate worth voting for - Anton Johannsen

Bernie Sanders’ attempts to appeal to the legacy of a true class militant like Eugene Debs are laughable and pathetic, writes Anton Johannsen.

Weekend at Bernie’s

However fed up they may claim to be, a certain portion of the Left in the United States remains sympathetic if not outright loyal to the Democratic Party: Jurassic Marx's takedown of Berniemania.