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NewsSummary of international week of actions for Russian anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners S2W02 weeks 21 hours ago
Library"The IWW and Anarcho-Syndicalism" (Freedom, NYC, Jan. 16, 1933) syndicalist02 weeks 21 hours ago
LibraryAugust 1928 report-back on IWMA Execo Meeting, Paris syndicalist02 weeks 21 hours ago
HistoryMay Day in San Francisco, LA, Detroit, NYC News (Road to Freedom, June 1926) syndicalist02 weeks 21 hours ago
LibraryInternational Notes: February, May, June 1926 syndicalist02 weeks 21 hours ago
LibraryInternational Notes, Spain, Congress of Anarchist Youth (Road to Freedom, Aug. 1928) syndicalist02 weeks 22 hours ago
LibraryI.W.M.A.: May 1928 Congress Agenda syndicalist02 weeks 22 hours ago
LibraryIWMA: The Internationales and Fascism syndicalist02 weeks 23 hours ago
LibraryThe Anarchist Movement (Dec. 1926, Road to Freedom) syndicalist02 weeks 23 hours ago
LibraryIWMA: The Road to Syndicalism (Road to Freedom, Feb. 1926) syndicalist02 weeks 23 hours ago
LibraryNew York City "Vanguard Group" Meeting Minutes (May-July 1939) syndicalist02 weeks 1 day ago
LibraryNew York City "Vanguard Group" Meeting Minutes (April-May 1939) syndicalist02 weeks 1 day ago
LibraryThe Vanguard Group Meeting Minutes (January-March 1939) syndicalist02 weeks 1 day ago
LibraryIntervention-> communication-> participation - Antagonism Spassmaschine02 weeks 1 day ago
LibraryGrass Roots USSR Peace Movements - Appeal to US Disarmament Activists syndicalist02 weeks 1 day ago
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LibraryWe are not "anti" - Bernard Lyon Craftwork02 weeks 1 day ago
HistoryOccupy and win: a manual for fighting hospital closures Steven.12 weeks 1 day ago
Blog entryCareerists and Corporate Interest: Why despite endless failure the drug war will continue indefinitely Soapy02 weeks 1 day ago
LibraryThe revolution is not a party affair - Otto Rühle libcom02 weeks 1 day ago
Forum topicMake the Left A Threat Again cap iexist12 weeks 1 day ago
HistoryThe Left Communists' Theses on the Current Situation (Russia, 1918) Red Marriott02 weeks 2 days ago
LibraryClarissa, Who Explained It All - Romina Akemi Recomposition02 weeks 2 days ago
Blog entryConcrete examples of non labour relations board unions: part III - Phinneas Gage Recomposition02 weeks 2 days ago
HistoryA documentary history of communism in Russia - Robert V. Daniels Craftwork02 weeks 2 days ago