

Australia must face some home truths about housing affordability

In 2003 I delivered the Andrew Olle Media Lecture and it seemed to get a good reaction at the time.  A decade later, I'm not so sure. 

I called out five great issues that confronted our nation and No.4 was a housing and land crisis that would kill the Australian dream of owning your home for the average young family. Sadly, my words did nothing to turn the trend around. 

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'Same problems as London': Morrison doubles down on negative gearing

High property prices in the UK show that Australia's housing affordability crisis is not related to negative gearing, Treasurer Scott Morrison told business leaders in Marylebone, in the UK.

The former CEO of Australia's best stockmarket performer of the past 20 years, said at an event I attended this week, "Why don't people put more money into research and development, and less into real estate". His former company spends $1 billion a year on research. Of course, it's CSL. It's a great Australian story that should encourage us to invest in real things, not just speculate for "unearned revenue", as economist Joseph Stiglitz would put it.

At an earlier event was another great Australian who used to run BHP. He said that he was worried that his grandchildren might never be able to afford a house or a flat.

Why are we so concerned about owning our own property anyway? The great German economy has 60 per cent of residents renting their home. They don't feel the need to buy a property because the clever German government controls the rental market so that a family can securely lease a home for decades. 

Our researcher Louise is our great social thinker, and she says we have an insecurity complex which has grown out of the Great Depression, with reminders like the GFC.


It was the great Sir Robert Menzies who encouraged the growing middle class to secure their families in new suburbs on quarter-acre blocks.

But how things have changed. Around a third of homes now only have one person living in them. Dishwasher manufacturers have even designed an appliance for a sole occupant.

It wasn't always like this. Who can remember growing up with bunk beds in the kids' bedrooms? Louise remembers her two sisters sleeping in the same bed. 

In those days, every second house had a bungalow for family members on hard times or for a boarder to raise some extra cash.

Now they are man caves fitted out with old fridges and TVs tuned to sports only. All a bit indulgent I think. 

The next generations are going to be in real trouble if we don't get on top of this.

If we don't change something soon we will all end up where we are going.

Over the weekend, I rang two former Victorian premiers to see if they had some answers. 

Jeff Kennett said he tried by developing old high-rise housing commission sites but ran into big political headwinds. But he did have a good idea of dropping stamp duty for the purchaser of a property and levying it on the cashed-up seller. That would save the purchaser of a median price house in Melbourne $45,000. 

Former premier Steve Bracks also engaged in the problem creating new residential land and boosting outer suburbs infrastructure.

A senior bureaucrat I also chatted to wants to drop the stamp duty, it's a big hit at either end and replace it with a small annual land tax.

All commendable ideas but the elephant in the room is still negative gearing. 

It was "a good idea at the time" some might say but it's plainly causing big problems now. Young people intending to become first home owners now regularly bidding against well-off people looking to activate a tax break in order to buy second, third or fourth houses. 

Negative gearing is a really bad idea and our politicians should just get rid of it. But that's where it becomes another problem. Its reported that one in five MPs are using their travel perks to pay off a second property. 

A Fairfax Media report in 2015 said that federal politicians own an average of 2.4 properties each. Queensland senator Barry O'Sullivan apparently leads the way with 41 properties and the PM has a measly seven.  

The Reserve Bank's new assistant governor Luci Ellis recently weighed in saying, "there are a lot of things going on under the hood that are not palatable for those who want governments to 'fix' the problem". That doesn't seem very helpful and possibly stupid. I've said that about the Reserve Bank before, sometimes it would be better if they didn't go to work.

It's plain we are letting our kids down, our country and now our grandkids. None of them are going to have the opportunity we had unless we have the courage to make some tough decisions soon. Reforming negative gearing would be good start. 

As the sage once said, "if we don't change something soon we will all end up where we are going". And that means either record debt or renting till death.