The Slow, Simple Portraiture Style of Josh Wool

To see more of Josh’s photography, follow @joshwool on Instagram.

Josh Wool’s (@joshwool) self-described approach to portraiture is incredibly slow and unapologetically simple. Using equipment and techniques that are more than a century old, the Brooklyn, New York-based artist painstakingly extracts his images from a process that begins with photographic plates and developing chemistry that he makes himself. From there, his portraits are crafted from a conversation, natural light when possible and the removal of any extraneous details or distractions.

“The folks in these pictures are artists, musicians, photographers, creatives and friends,” says Josh. “There’s a certain intangible thing that draws me to choose the people I photograph. In most cases, it’s some aspect of their persona — sometimes it’s their strength, others it’s a sense of vulnerability. With others, it’s something I just can’t put my finger on, but I know I need to photograph them.”