Card helps curb 'national emergency' of domestic violence

First published:
Tuesday 19 May 2015 4:33PM
Jeremy Story Carter

A button is pressed, police are alerted and a life is potentially saved. RN Afternoons looks at the SafeTCard, a device designed to curb Australia's horrifying rate of domestic violence.

It's Easter, and a woman and her two children are being held captive in their own home. A drug-affected ex-partner is threatening to kill each of them.

He knew that if he breached the order, I would be pressing this button, he would be recorded and my location would go straight through to police.


The woman manages to reach for a small, discreet electronic device she was given just days earlier, and pushes a button on it.

Police arrive at the house within 10 minutes, free the woman and her children and detain the man. He is now in remand.

The woman was one of a dozen involved in a 12-month trial of the SafeTCard—a personal safety device for those exposed to domestic violence.

When pressed, the card alerts a call centre, where operators can listen live to what is being recorded on the device. They are then able to relay that information and the exact location to the police.

Shaska is another woman who was subjected to domestic violence over an extended period of time. On the advice of authorities, she took out an intervention order against former partner.

'It was recommended to me almost as a preventative measure,' she says.

'When I actually got the intervention order out, that saw a marked escalation in violent behaviour.

'The intervention order made things much worse and I actually felt at much greater risk than I did before.'

Police considered Shaska to be at 'extreme risk', due to her partner's behaviour and the isolated nature of her home.

At that point she became involved with the SafeTCard trial, which was conducted by the Safe Futures Foundation.

'I made sure my ex-partner knew that I now carried a personal alarm on me 24 hours a day,' she says.

'He knew that if he breached the order, I would be pressing this button, he would be recorded and my location would go straight through to police. Before the card he had breached the intervention order 20 or 30 times.'

In the end, Shaska did not press the button on the card once.

'I didn't need to use it during the trial. In a way, I think it was a huge deterrent.'

Janine Mahoney, the CEO of Safe Futures Foundation, says results from the trial of the SafeTCard trial were extremely encouraging.

'What we found was, of the women in the trial, all of them had been breached at least daily and some of them were being breached multiple times every day,' says Mahoney

'Post- the trial, there has not been one single face-to-face breach in 12 months for those women.'

The trial was conducted in Victoria and was supported by Victoria Police.

'We have worked collaboratively with them, and by deterring people serving orders, it will actually free up police time,' says Mahoney

She says in addition to technology such as the SafeTCard and GPS tracking, broader domestic violence education efforts are needed at a community level.

'We need to educate those in the community that are the first to notice indicators at the very earliest times, like doctors, nurses and teachers,' says Mahoney.

'Often it's they who can see slight indicators that things are happening in the home.

'We need them to be able to act at the earliest time.'

If you’re in an abusive situation or know someone who is, call 1800 RESPECT. You can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or contact the Safe Futures Foundation.