Latest vegetables articles

A grower in Western Australia is trying to boost the state's access to certain Asian vegetables.

Victorian potato growers report high yields as they begin harvest, six months after flooding in southern states caused a national shortage.

Western Australian scientists develop what is believed to be a world-first clear 'solar-glass' technology which, if used in greenhouses, could produce crops in any climate or season.

ABC Rural examines a recent history of biosecurity outbreaks and their impact on Australian agriculture.

An Australian vegetable grower plans to target export market for capsicums, Lebanese cucumbers and potentially zucchinis in the Middle East and Asia.

The exotic tomato potato psyllid is discovered in the Perth region, and has the potential to devastate the Western Australian potato industry.

Farmers want to rein in electricity prices, saying their supply has become more unreliable as it has become more expensive.

The Food and Grocery Council is warning producers and manufacturers the supermarket price squeeze will continue for some time yet.

The Australian vegetable industry is setting a lofty target to increase its export value by 40 per cent within four years.

US President Donald Trump's trade policies and wall spat bring simmering tensions between Mexican farmers and their Government to the surface.

Western Australia's first mechanical cabbage harvester is being put to work for its first season.

Farmers from Western Australia's south-west timber region band together to try to sell more of what they grow to buyers looking for high quality local produce.

A new mobile app for the country's vegetable industry gives growers more information to help their irrigation strategy.
