Latest oilseeds articles

Flooding in Western Australia creates a 500-hectare lake on what was valuable grain growing land on Western Australia's south coast.

The Australian Oilseeds Federation is looking at options to market canola oil as a fit-for-purpose product in the hope it will boost sales.

Future grains research and development in Western Australia will be driven by partnerships with universities, corporate entities and potentially, the CBH Group.

Citing concerns around toxicology, occupational health and safety and residues, the APVMA bans the use of omethoate in broadacre crops.

Despite a challenging growing season, the harvest is now in full swing with silos filling up.

The CFA is warning farmers to prepare for the upcoming fire season as South Australian growers warn of fire damage

Twelve months after drought and heatwaves killed cereal crops, paddocks now lie under water after heavy rain in Victoria.

Hundreds of Wimmera Mallee grain farmers squelched through ankle deep mud, as wind and rain turned faces a dull shade of blue.

A new variety of chia is being grown commercially for the first time in the Kimberley's Ord Irrigation Scheme.

A NAB report says rising production in Canada, India will see prices tumble next year.
