Latest fishing and aquaculture articles

An inquiry into commercial fishing in New South Wales has recommended the Government find more money to help fishermen adjust to reforms.

Access to superior commercial genetic stock for the first time is boosting morale of New South Wales oyster farmers.

Australia's largest salmon company Tassal says it will oppose legal action taken by competitor Huon Aquaculture against Tasmania's Environment Protection Authority.

Accusations fly as the Liberals and Greens attack Labor's stance on salmon farming, after the party threw its support behind Tassal's expansion plans but at the same time announced policy around tighter industry regulations.

Quarantine staff feared three years ago staff cuts would threaten the biosecurity of Australia's multi-million-dollar agricultural industries.

ABC Rural examines a recent history of biosecurity outbreaks and their impact on Australian agriculture.

Video 14mins 55secs

Ensuring a future for Tasmania's biggest mussel farmer.

An independent review panel rejects arguments Okehampton Bay on Tasmania's east coast is too hot and too shallow for fish farming, greenlighting a controversial proposal for Tassal to farm salmon in the area.

Tasmania's biggest salmon producer is set to lose its key sustainability certificate and there are fears for the local tourism industry over the poor health of Macquarie Harbour on the state's west coast.

The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority launches a crowdfunding campaign to improve environment for the threatened Macquarie perch.

The Tasmanian Greens want a Tassal lease being destocked in Macquarie Harbour examined as part of an audit deciding if the company keeps an international standards accreditation.

Two former salmon industry executives add their voices to concerns raised about the sustainability of parts of Tasmania's $700 million industry.

Video 8mins 13secs

Australia's second largest salmon farmer has launched legal action against the Tasmanian and Federal governments over environmental approvals for expanded salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour.
