Latest cotton articles

Farmers want to rein in electricity prices, saying their supply has become more unreliable as it has become more expensive.

More than half the cotton crops planted across southern NSW have been damaged by off-target weed herbicide spray drift, Cotton Australia says.

A GM cotton trial in the Kimberley's Ord Irrigation Scheme has been destroyed just prior to harvest, under instructions from the company Bayer.

A $41 million redevelopment of Australia's only cotton seed provider's processing plant is due to start early next year, after the project gained State Government approval.

The controversial rhetoric of presumptive republican nominee Donald Trump has commodity traders nervous, according to one analyst.

Scott Morrison has granted Shandong Ruyi an extra three years to comply with an original condition of the sale, to sell down its stake from 80 per cent to 51 per cent. The Chinese company was unable to meet the October 2015 deadline.

Queensland rural lobby groups say electricity price hikes of more than 10 per cent this year will spell doom for the agriculture sector.

The nation's only provider of cotton seeds is planning a $41.2 million redevelopment of its seed processing plant at Wee Waa, in northern New South Wales.

Queensland farmers frustrated the National Party hasn't outlined a clear stance on the proposed backpacker tax slated to be introduced in July.

A fifth tender worth $10 million is announced for groundwater licence holders in the Upper Condamine Alluvium, to recover water for the environment as part of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

Cotton and tomatoes might seem like an odd couple but one cropping group is succeeding in using both in a crop rotation.
