Latest banana articles

Farmers in Carnarvon have been quick to act on the Department of Water's decision to allow unrestricted pumping.

A Top End trial of genetically modified bananas will begin in a few months after a five-year trial received approval from the gene technology regulator.

Dry conditions, a natural disaster and poor market prices combined to make 2016 a shocker for the Coffs Harbour banana region on the New South Wales mid-north coast.

Dennis Howe has never been afraid to take risks on his far north Queensland farming enterprise, but he's still getting used to the idea of being named a "farming legend".

Every single Cavendish banana plant worldwide is genetically identical. This vast monoculture sets them up for disastrous disease outbreaks. But researchers have ideas on how to protect the crop.

Researchers in Australia and around the globe are trying to breed new varieties of Cavendish in a bid to protect supply of the world's most popular banana as the threat of a damaging fungus spreads.

A Queensland banana-growing family say they have felt completely alone since a devastating fungus outbreak on their property 18 months ago, and are looking forward to the day they sell their farm.

Since lifting a ban on growing bananas following the banana freckle outbreak in northern Australia earlier this year, vital research on Panama disease has resumed.

Queensland scientists are striving to develop new banana varieties to keep Australia's most popular fruit on the menu for years to come.

Banana growers across Australia vote in favour of a levy increase to fund the buy-out of the farm at the centre of the Panama disease tropical race 4 (TR4) outbreak.

It is crunch time for the Australian banana industry as growers vote on whether to buy out the Queensland farm infected with Panama tropical race four.

They are more than 1,600km from the main fight against a devastating banana disease, but New South Wales growers are being asked to chip in to stop its spread.

Far north Queensland banana farmers are being forced into a costly and highly regulated regime to halt the spread of Panama disease, as researchers seek a banana variety resistant to the soil-borne fungus.

Banana growers are facing the grim reality of oversupply as supermarkets slash prices to clear a glut of fruit.
