
Carbon credit hunger strike farmer Peter Spencer returns to court in fight against Commonwealth

Posted February 28, 2017 15:36:21

The New South Wales farmer that took the Commonwealth to court over its imposition of carbon credits on farmland without compensation to landholders, leading to his 2009 hunger strike, returns to court this week.

Peter Spencer is to appear before the full bench of the Federal Court in Sydney in his appeal against a previous Federal Court ruling.

In 2009, Mr Spencer went on a hunger strike for 52 days over the issue of land clearing legislation and property rights as they affected his property at Shannon's Flat, near Cooma.

Mr Spencer claimed that state and federal governments colluded to introduce land clearing legislation to lock up carbon on Australian farms so it could meet carbon targets in the Kyoto Protocol.

In 2010, the High Court, in an unusual move, agreed that the matter should be sent back for a full hearing in the Federal Court.

Mr Spencer lost the case in the Federal Court, leading to the commencement of this week's appeal before its full bench.

"The thing that is probably the most upsetting about the Peter Spencer case is realising it is not an isolated incident," said Murdoch University law lecturer Lorraine Finlay, who has studied the case.

"There are many farmers and other Australians that have suffered the anguish and hardship of having their property taken away from them without having any access to compensation and without having the government provide them with any relief.

"One of the interesting issues that is raised in this case is the relationship between the [NSW] State Government and the Commonwealth Government, as Peter Spencer is saying that the State Government took his land at the behest of the Commonwealth. But this has been denied.

"Yet we saw a number of senior political figures at the state level — on the record — saying they introduced the native vegetation and land clearing legislation at the behest of the Commonwealth Government because of our obligations to the Kyoto protocol."

Ms Finlay said the ruling meant it fell upon individual landholders, like Mr Spencer, to bear the cost on behalf of the whole community.

"It seems arrangements were made precisely so that landholders had no recourse through the Commonwealth because the first actions were taken by the states," she said.

"No compensation is payable, which just seems wrong.

"From a moral point of view, to take property rights and then restricting access to compensation is just wrong.

"At the end of the day if we want to have strong environmental legislation that is all well and good, but the community needs to realise there is a cost involved in that and that cost should be borne by the community.

"I think this case is important as it is highlighting something that has been a problem for a long time and it needs a rethink."

Topics: agricultural-policy, conservation, activism-and-lobbying, government-and-politics, environment, federal---state-issues, cooma-2630, sydney-2000, nsw