
Sugar marketing bill passes Queensland Parliament but millers vow to fight it

Updated December 03, 2015 17:21:51

Legislation enshrining choice in sugar marketing will become law in Queensland after the Palaszczuk government failed in its bid to torpedo the bill.

Labor's first significant defeat in the parliament delivered Queensland canegrowers the outcome they've fought more than 18 months to get.

Audio: Bitter battle over sugar politics see historic legislation pass parliament (ABC News)

The passage of the Sugar Industry (Real Choice in Marketing) Amendment Act, introduced by the Katter's Australian Party (KAP), was delivered with the support of the LNP and the crucial vote of the former Labor, now independent member for Cook, Billy Gordon.

It's a result that's given KAP its second win in the parliament in the past 24 hours: first an ethanol mandate, and now choice in sugar marketing for Queensland's 4500 cane farming families.

Bill passes but battle just beginning

But the Australian Sugar Millers' Council has warned it has sparked the beginning of a protracted and costly battle and has vowed to stop the legislation being enacted.

Audio: Australian Sugar Milling Council's Dominic Nolan has vowed to quash the 'unjust and damaging' legislation (ABC News)

CEO Dominic Nolan said by changing the property rights of milling companies and their legal right to own the sugar, the legislation was jeopardising billions of dollars invested in the sugar industry.

"We will work through all legal and government avenues to quash this re-regulation of the Queensland sugar industry," Mr Nolan said.

"The LNP and the Katter Party have not done cane farmers any favours here tonight.

"They have not delivered a solution and we have no choice but to fight this unjust and damaging legislation as far as we need to."

A voice of grievance came out of the cane fields of Queensland... and what we've been able to achieve tonight is basically a balance of negotiating power.

Canegrowers Queensland chairman Paul Schembri

Canegrowers chairman Paul Schembri said a political solution became necessary after independent mediation failed to break the bitter deadlock about the physical ownership of sugar.

"A voice of grievance came out of the cane fields of Queensland... what we didn't want to see was the rights of growers to be stripped and taken away from us and what we've been able to achieve tonight is basically a balance of negotiating power."

Mr Schembri rejected the argument by the government and millers that the legislation will deter foreign investors in the sugar industry and cost jobs.

"I make the point, the investment that we saw in this industry came at a time when the marketing system was the one that's under review now."

Audio: Paul Schembri says growers now have equal negotiating strength with multinational, sugar milling companies (ABC News)

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For growers and millers without a cane supply agreement, there is still work to be done to negotiate a contract in time for the 2017 season by which time three milling companies have said they'll no longer supply to the sugar pool run by Queensland Sugar Limited.

The tipping point for growers will come next April by which time they will have fully invested in the next year's crop.

Legislation will hold up, says KAP

The Queensland Government has referred the legislation to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and sent letters asking for the Federal Government to determine on whether it will have undue effects on existing free trade agreements.

Queensland Agriculture Minister Bill Byrne is convinced the effects of the legislation will be wide ranging and hurt the State's economic credentials.

"I think it sends a very bad message to investors, both domestic and foreign, for Queensland agriculture," he said.

"The consequences will be catastrophic for the economic prospects for this State. There's no way to sugar coat it."

"I think the real issue here is the division that exists within the Liberal National Party.

"The fact the old National Party is driving the show ... it's more about Lawrence's [Springborg] leadership more than the long-term economic well-being of Queensland."

But the Opposition Leader Lawrence Springborg strongly rejected the criticism of the LNP's support to see the legislation pass the house.

"This is just absolute hyperbolic nonsense," Mr Springborg said.

"We've seen the Deputy Premier with the most extraordinary of all language – and the Minister for Agriculture Bill Byrne. You wouldn't believe the way they've been carrying on."

"The most important thing here is that we have now the legislative framework that preserves deregulation," Mr Springborg said.

Katter Australian Party MP Shane Knuth was triumphant about the historic vote, claiming it as an important victory for cane farmers standing up against the power of multinational interests.

We will work through all legal and government avenues to quash this re-regulation of the Queensland sugar industry.

Dominic Nolan, Australian Sugar Milling Council

Mr Knuth said he was not perturbed by threats to sink the new legislation, citing his own advice it would "stand up to any challenge in a court of law".

He said the legislation had the potential to deliver milling companies more sugar because growers could opt to sell their economic interest through the existing pool, managed by Queensland Sugar Limited, or through milling companies.

Audio: Katter Australia's Shane Knuth says his legislation will stand up to any legal challenge (ABC News)

"We're in a very good position but you know, the millers are very, very sooky because they want it all.

"They want everything, they want to mill it, market, they want the whole lot."

Topics: sugar, agricultural-marketing, government-and-politics, cairns-4870, maroochydore-4558, bundaberg-4670, mackay-4740, townsville-4810, brisbane-4000

First posted December 03, 2015 07:36:18