WA News

Premier Colin Barnett criticises opponents and the media

In the penultimate weekend before the WA election, Premier Colin Barnett had some blistering words about the media coverage of the campaign and his political opponents.

Mr Barnett admitted he was "tricked" into posing for a photograph at the Rottnest Channel Swim with four women who had #putlibslast and "drowning in debt $" written down their arms.

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'There will be a bill for Roe 8'

Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan says overtime police resources are being used at Roe 8.

"That was a little bit of a political stunt," he told reporters on Sunday.

"I'm disappointed the media was involved (by running the photo)."

The premier took a further swipe at journalists, describing the election coverage as "light on", but Labor leader Mark McGowan refused to back him.

"Attacking the media is the sort of thing that Donald Trump does," he said.


"I'd just say to Mr Barnett lighten up, don't be angry at the media, be angry at the unemployment you've created."

The Liberals are preferencing the Greens over Labor in the upper house, but that did not stop Mr Barnett from lashing out at the Greens, labelling them "radical" and "destructive".

"I actually find the Greens to be worse than Labor but that's not my decision, the order in the ticket," he said.

Asked if he regretted the Liberals preference deal with Pauline Hanson's One Nation after more candidates were dumped, Mr Barnett said any questions about the party should go to her, adding he was not involved in any deals.

Mr Barnett pledged $500,000 on Sunday for five floating fishing platforms in the Swan and Canning Rivers, saying they would be popular among young families and people with disabilities.

The Liberals also promised to expand specialist programs in some high schools and create a $5.8 million Primary Scholars Program at four schools to encourage excellence in science, technology and maths.

Meanwhile Mr McGowan was spruiking his $60 million Meth Border Force plan, with 100 officers dedicated to cutting the supply of drugs to the state.

The mobile team would be deployed to ports and freight facilities, drug transit routes from interstate, and would also shut down meth distribution houses.

"This drug is killing families, it's killing communities it's hurting everyone across our state," Mr McGowan said.

"We need to do more to deal with it because up until now the response has been too weak and it hasn't been comprehensive enough."

But Corrective Services Minister Joe Francis labelled it a "cheap political stunt" and a waste of money.

"I've got absolutely no idea what he thinks he's going to do with this other than starting his own little mini Mark McGowan navy," Mr Francis said.

"The same surveillance and technology and response forces that are used to turn back the boats are used to also intercept drug smuggling boats and operations as well."

A community rally, attended by Greens Senator Scott Ludlam and Labor candidate Alannah MacTiernan, was also held on Sunday, calling for a royal commission into the controversial Perth Freight Link project, which Labor has vowed to dump if elected.