
Chrome phone has a super slow-mo camera

The Xperia XZ Premium has a lot going on.

At Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Sony has unveiled the Xperia XZ Premium, a monster of a phone that seems designed purely to fit as many high-end specs as possible into a single handset.

Engineer is now Google's no.1 enemy

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, left, and Anthony Levandowski.

In 2013, Anthony Levandowski was the star of Google's self-driving car project. The tall, swaggering engineer was featured in a long New Yorker story about the search engine willing the impossible technology into reality.

Google unveils new troll-fighting tool

Google's new API, which can show whether 'the internet' thinks a comment is toxic, is still a work in progress.

The company has publicly released an artificial intelligence tool, called Perspective, that scans online content and rates how "toxic" it is based on ratings by thousands of people.

3D camera tipped for new iPhone

This render shows the same hypothetical phone in various colours.

Apple may be considering a camera designed for authentication and augmented reality for its next high-end iPhone, according to reports.

Uber sexism charges a wake-up call

Instances of sexism and harassment of women in Silicon Valley do not appear to be isolated incidents.

Explosive charges at Uber are shining a bright light on what has for years been an unsettling reality in Silicon Valley: Women routinely confront sexism and harassment on the job.

Why Apple TV has repeatedly failed

The most recent Apple TV, released in 2015.

Time and again Apple has set out to revolutionise the living room, but ultimately it's settled for turning the television set into a giant iPhone.