
License article

Column 8

Promised "promiscuous exercises" after the break, my U3A French class were back from coffee in record time, reports Barrie Smillie of Duffy, ACT. "Just an old word for 'miscellaneous'."

Co Mitty of Warrawee writes: "I loved David Davies' joke about cleaning the screen after doing the crossword on a computer (C8). "Guess what? You can do the crossword on a digital edition of the SMH. Get a Surface Pro, use the Edge browser, and then use the "write on web page" function. Better still, save it to OneNote and write on the image, saving as you go. You can even erase your mistakes."  

A warning from Dave Horsfall of North Gosford. "Yes, there are rules about flying drones, Paul Ryan (C8, crash landing) ; you cannot fly them over prohibited areas such as airports and nuclear reactors. There are devices on the market which at the least will interfere with the controlling signal, causing the drone to crash. High end devices can take it over completely. Don't fly a drone over sensitive areas (including bushfires because chopper pilots cannot see them) or to spy upon your neighbours."  You are warned. 

Interesting item in the RSVP section of Saturday's Spectrum with a correspondent seeking people who wrote letters of complaint on their view of the Australian accent to the ABC Weekly in 1940 & 1942. Writers listed include "SPEECH of Toowoomba" and "I M H of Sydney". Allan Gibson of Cherrybrook.

"Martin Field of Noosa should have looked at his bill (C8: charge for ice bucket) before he went home, then he could have taken the ice bucket with him. Pretty cheap at $3." Trish Wiltshire of Worrigee.

Also. "Please do not publish items about sundry charges without a full profit and loss statement," advises John Dawson of Wattle Grove. "Restaurants need to make so much per chair to cover costs, and more if profit is the reason they give their time. Whether they achieve that by margins or visible charging for extras is their choice to apply and yours to decide. Generally I would recommend increasing margins, then everyone contributes, not just the user, and there is nothing to write about."

"Did Bodger (C8, romance) do a headstand at the Opera House too, to complete the romantic symmetry? Please don't leave the story dangling, Angus," begs Pen Layton-Caisley, of Marrickville. [C8: we'll check].

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