
Column 8

Paul Ryan of Emu Plains was walking around Iron Cove. "I saw a man futilely poking at a laptop while his out of control drone came crashing to earth – hitting power lines, bouncing off a roof and narrowly missing pedestrians. And it was under the flight path. I'm used to watching out for cyclists, but not prepared for things falling out of the sky."  Are there rules about these things, he asks. 

"We went to a BYO restaurant in Noosa last night with a bottle of white wine. Our waitress asked if we would like an ice bucket and we said yes. When I looked at the bill at home it read, '1 x ice bucket – $3'. A first for me." Martin Field, Noosa Heads.

Craig Lonard, Unanderra, says a journo doing a live feed from out the front of a house that had burnt down reported that when the fire brigade arrived the occupants had "self-evacuated". He asks: "Is that the same as getting out?" 

Not only is February 22 Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell's birthday (C8), it was also his wife Olave's birthday, says Denis Foster Terrigal. "Lady B-P was to become the first chief guide in 1917, and B-P and her birthday became well known throughout the Girl Guides as Thinking Day." 

Just a quick note says John Grinter, Katoomba. "John Christie's idea for the readers to vote (C8 Olympics) is an excellent one. I must dash, I've got a lot of palms to grease."

But ... "This column is based on wit, lightheartedness, spontaneity and humour," suggests Paul Hunt of Engadine. "The moment you start introducing formal rules and regulations, most of those qualities evaporate. Excuse me now while I go and polish my silver medal."


Also, from Michael Reilly, Bateau Bay. "My faith in the editorial judgment of C8 was vindicated following the George Manojlovic award. I am sure the outcome would be the same if there were a readers' poll. He is self-effacing and the closest he comes to political commentary is the occasional bipartisan observation. May he continue to reign supreme."

Last word: "C8 Olympics. Sounds good on the face of it. So an Olympi-8 is a period of one year, and 2017 will be the year of the second Olympi-8. Because contributors are unfailingly forthright, they could be referred to as candid-8s." George Manojlovic, Mangerton.

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