Warning to Secret Garden festival goers after two overdoses

Warning to Secret Garden festival goers after two overdoses

Two drug overdoses and 28 drug detections were made at an electronic music festival south-west of Sydney on Friday.

Secret Garden, a two-day music festival held at a farm near Camden, is known for its "forest maze" setting, where about 5000 fans gather each year in costume.

On Saturday police issued a warning to festival goers to celebrate responsibly.

"...There were a total of 28 drug detections for MDMA, cocaine, LSD and cannabis. There were also two reports of drug overdoses," said Operation Commander, Superintendent Ward Hanson.

"Throughout the event, police will continue to target the use of illicit drugs and supply, dangerous and anti-social behaviour and alcohol-related crime."


Superintendent Hanson said anyone found bringing illicit drugs into the festival on Saturday would be "intercepted by police" and "dealt with swiftly".

"Prohibited drugs can have serious effects on your health, and lead to bad decisions that in some cases may be potentially life-threatening."

He said traffic and highway patrol would be performing random breath tests, both during and after the festival.

On its website, Secret Garden states that banned items include "BYO alcohol, glass, illegal substances, flares, fireworks, explosives".

It also states that "free breath testing [is] available in the camp ground".

It will likely be a soggy second day for music fans at the camping festival, with wind and rain forecast this weekend.

Lucy Cormack is a crime reporter with The Sydney Morning Herald.

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