I’ve never got over the hurt caused by my mother-in-law

Twelve years ago, my father-in-law gave me his special necklace, but when he died his wife demanded it back. Now my sister-in-law is wearing it and I feel so upset

Woman looking at another woman wearing necklace
Photograph: Guardian Design Team/Getty Creative

Two years before he died, my father-in-law gave me a necklace he used to wear all the time. I was touched by this gift as I had always felt that my parents-in-law were never very enamoured with their son’s foreign bride: they are French, and we have always lived near them in France. A few days after the death, my mother-in-law demanded I return the necklace, saying that her husband never meant to give it to me. I am surprised at how much this hurt me. Twelve years on, both of my husband’s parents have passed away and I haven’t given this any thought for years. But lately my sister-in-law has started wearing the necklace. I am unnerved at how much it disturbs me. We don’t get on very well but I don’t know why I feel so bad. Am I jealous? Am I thinking of the previous hurt? How can I “let go”? I don’t particularly want the necklace, because of the memories associated with it, but fear that’s what she would think if I mention it.

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