Squat “Pekarnia”

Squat “Pekarnia” still exists, but now with a new name “Klizma”

After the eviction of squat “Pekarnia” at 7th of November 2003 the house was empty and quiet for some time. Just after the eviction it seemed very possible that cops would kick out also the homeless people from the second floor and close the house. But after the eviction the cops left the house undisturbed, so the third floor was squatted again.

A few months squatters renovated the house again, built new heating systems etc, but anyway it still is fucking cold there, sometimes even colder that on the street. In spite of the temperature down to -20 degrees, the anarchist antifa-group “Punk Revival” hold their weekly meetings in the squat and other people also hang around there daily.

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BARCELONA 2004 :: waiting for the rain

contact mailing list: llistainsostenible [at] sindominio [dot] net

In the year 2004, the subsidies that the European Community grants to its less-developed member countries in the Mediterranean basin will end, as the EC shifts its focus toward financing the development of its new members in Eastern Europe. So the elite leadership of the city of Barcelona decided that, in order to squeeze every last penny out of the EC development fund, they would have to invent a special event to justify an enormous financial investment. The Olympics had already been assigned, and for years the Barcelona City Council had been working to sell a new image of the city to the outside world, using slogans that have been growing in popularity in recent years: “The City of Peace,” “The Multicultural City,” “The Sustainable City”…Even if, among the organizers of the “Universal Forum of Cultures” in 2004, there were a group of cultural promoters that were truly committed to certain of the supposed “contents” to be discussed during the 6-month event, these cultural interests have been totally squashed by the speculative and business interests taking part in the Forum, which since the beginning of the organization of the event have doubtlessly imposed themselves above all other interests. What is left is the rhetoric of the three “axes” that the Forum turns upon, which are nothing more than buzzwords used to call for general consent: “Peace,” “Diversity,” “Sustainability.” …And a huge emphasis on “Participation,” another very popular word.

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