Women: have you experienced a workplace problem?

If you’ve encountered a problem at work or have a scenario you’d like advice on, we’d like to hear from you

A stressed woman with her head in her hands.
A stressed woman with her head in her hands. Photograph: Caiaimage/Paul Bradbury/Getty Images

Have you ever encountered issues in the workplace because you are a woman? Perhaps you have asked for a pay rise but feel your request was dismissed because of your gender. Or you’ve felt that you’ve not been offered as many opportunities as your male colleagues. Also, do you find it hard to ‘lean in’ and make your voice heard or might you be suffering from the common ‘imposter syndrome’ often connected to gender and inequality?

For International Women’s Day we’d like to hear about the workplace problems you have experienced. We hope to produce a video featuring female leaders from different industries who will respond to your queries and provide advice on your issues.

Share your experiences

Share your experiences of any workplace problems you have encountered.

You can do so by filling in our encrypted form below - anonymously if you wish - or by emailing guardian.witness@theguardian.com. We will do our best to ensure your responses are kept secure and confidential. A selection of contributions will be featured in our reporting.